Chapter 33:i hate it!

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"A person like you deserve death!but i wont kill you!and hope that you will survive!i want you to look everyday at this monsters!i want you to remember on what have you done because of your selfishness!your humanity was eaten by your fear and cowardice so i want you to live in fear!i will watch and see for myself on how your life will be miserable!and i will laugh at you histerycally!i will enjoy your suffering so much"

The woman face paled


Liang Xuiying turn around and slap her face,the soldiers with them are startled,the gentle and kind Liang Xuiying has become violent?

"You cant do that to your daughter as well!but you did!you was supposed to protect her but you choose to sacrifice her small body to your cheap and worthless life!now tell me!who the hell are you to tell me what we can and what we cant do to you?"

And then she turn around to leave,the Chen Zhangwei and the soldiers follow along.

Even without her saying that they wont bring the woman either!

They dont raise useless and cheap in there!

The woman wants to follow them but Liang Xuiying say loudly

"Try following us and i will shoot your small toe!and if you insist in following the other toe untill your toes is gone!it will be really painful!"

The woman stopped,the zombies can easily smell human blood!so she didnt dare!

When they turn around Chen Zhangwei signal to his men.

The soldiers understand and 2 men stealthily left.

Chen Zhangwei is not as kind as Liang Xuiying!so he wanted to throw the woman near the hoards of zombies!

Liang Xuiying started crying when they boarded the car!

"Why crying?"

Chen Zhangwei ask inexplicably

"I remember Mengmeng!i thought that it was Mengmeng i saw!it was unbearably painful!i have this feeling that i want to tear the woman limbs by limbs!there is this part of me wanted to see the woman gnawed and eaten by the zombies bit by bit but i controlled it!but now remembering what happens"

She paused and wipe her tears

"It hurts!i was scared!totally scared that what if i cant protect the people i care?what if"

Chen Zhangwei cover her lips with his hand to stop her from talking

"It wont happen!you are strong and you can be stronger!you can protect them!there is nothing to be afraid off!you are a brave girl!"

Liang Xuiying sniff

"How can you tell that i become stronger?"

"Each time you see zombies your paused time improved greatly!from 5 seconds now 4 seconds!and now you discover your ability!"

Liang Xuiying remember her ability and grit her teeth

"Why i didnt have a normal one!why i have a weird one!"

Chen Zhangwei laugh

"Maybe because you are too unique?!"

She pause and turn red because of anger

"Are you saying that i am weird?"

Chen Zhangwei laugh more and didnt answer that makes her more mad!

So when they arrive she left afraid that she will really gonna shoot him!

"Little Mengmeng!did you miss sister Xuiying?"

The little dumpling want to hug her but knowing that they cannot hug her after she go out so she stopped

"Mengmeng miss sister Xuiying very much!"

Liang Xuiying felt better instantly

"We found a lot of cute things for our little baby!wait after elder sister's bath we will show you!"

Then she left too clean herself,Chen Zhangwei came in and take a shower too.

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