Chapter 76:

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Liang Xuiying woke up from a long dream!she forgot what was it but she know it was sad and painful dream because her heart is still aching!

What was it?she asked her self,she sat up and sigh,she fell asleep in their living room while waiting for her parents.

She look at the clock and saw that it was already 9pm,she sigh and was startled when she heard a noise in their balcony,

She have this nostalgic feeling but she ignore it,she directly come and check it,she open the door and found it was just a cat!

She smile and close the balcony again and was startled,

She didnt feel afraid at all!she look around,even though the room was dark she dont feel scared!

She bit her lips and try to go to her room to sleep alone,

She on waited a few minutes and she really fell asleep even the light is off!

The Liang couple was startled when they saw this scene!

They sigh happily and rest early.

"Good morning mom!good morning dad!"

Liang Xuiying greeted her parents happily

"Baby sorry we were late last night!we hurriedly go home afraid that you will be scared alone!"

Her dad explain,Liang Xuiying look up and start explaining

"Dad,mom i have a very long dream while waiting!i dont remember what was it but,when i woke up i dont feel afraid anymore?"

The Liang Couple was in disbelief so she told the story about the cat in the balcony last night and they become more shock!

Liang Xuiying left after breakfast because she still has class!

The Liang couple check the balcony and really found a cat fur!

The both of them look each other and finally sigh in relief!

Their baby girl seems really grown up!.

When she arrive at the school,her classmates look at her wierdly,

You know?Liang Xuiying is a coward and very easy to cower!but this Liang Xuiying seems different!

She look confident,and surprisingly she become beautiful?

The group that always bully her saw her and call her,but Liang Xuiying was busy trying to remember her dream so she didnt heard it!

After a while her table was kicked resulting her to almost fell,she look up and found her classmate who likes bullying so much

"Are you deaf?i called you!or you pretend to didnt hear me huh?"

Liang Xuiying sigh,she had enough of their bullying so she stand up,the whole class was in uproar and start mocking her like is she tired of leaving or is she going to kneel and apologize but all of them got it wrong,

The whole class went silent when Liang Xuiying move fast that no one could see and push the bully's face on the desk while holding her right hand at her back and holding her hair tightly

"I have enough of your bull****!"

The bully was startled and start struggling but a she hold her hair tightly resulting her to cry out in pain

"Aah!you b**** let go!"

She said loudly,her minions finally recover and start attacking her,the first one was kick meters away,and so the second one,

The third one,she use her knees to make her mouth bleed.

The 4th,she use their leader as a shield in the end she punch her own leader on her face resulting her to have a black eye,

Liang Xuiying kick the girl away and pushed the leader's face on the wall

And whisper to her ear coldly

"This is my first and last warning so listen well!if you still love your life when you see me escape!avoid me as long as you can because once i saw you,i will skin you alive and scrub your body a lot of salt!you can call me psychopath but i just love turtoring people!i let you play for a long time!so its my time to play!you get it?"

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