Chapter 43:

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The Jia father and daughter finally meet Chen Zhangwei after 2 days

"Leader Chen we are actually here for an important matter!"

Jia Shou said humbly.

Chen Zhangwei just glance and wait for hin to continue

"The thing is our people already know how the zombies and humans evolve"

But Chen Zhangwei make a stop gesture and turn to his subordinate

"Call Xuiying over"

The soldier nod and hurriedly leave,

Jia Ai grit her teeth and ask

"Leader Chen it is important meeting!what would the girl do in here?she wont understand anything"

Chen Zhangwei coldly look at her

"Who do you think you are to tell me on what and what not to do?"

Jia Ai face turn pale,she looks like a bullied little wife but no one appreciate her,

After all compare to her and Liang Xuiying the difference is like heaven and earth!

"I was busy you know?"

Liang Xuiying complain when she enter but when she saw Jia Ai's face and Chen Zhanwei's she laugh

"Pffft!from the very beginning this is what i am dissappointed to you!you like attracting trash's attention!what a let down!"

The soldiers mouth twitch,for them Liang Xuiying is like an angel but there is a time that she is like a devil!

Jia Ai look down and bit her lips,Jia Shou take a deep breath and decided to ignore the presumptious girl!

When he  become the most powerful man he will surely feed her with those zombies!

Liang Xuiying laugh and sat in front of Jia Shou

"Are you thinking that when you become the most powerful man you will feed me to those zombies?after all i am presumptious isnt it?"

Jia Shou was shaken but in his face remain the same

"Miss Liang is joking!"

Liang Xuiying  shook her head

"Your boring!"

Then turn to Chen Zhangwei

"What happen?"

She asked.

He look at her closely and shook his head,and said

"You said you are bored"

She nod and sat down and they started again

"My people already have an idea why the humans and zombies evolve!but we dont still have enough evidence to prove this so we need the central base help!"

Chen Zhangwei look at them and coldly said

"We already have idea as well but did we asked your base?"

Jia Shou close his mouth didnt know what to say.

After a while Chen Zhangwei continue

"What need do you need?"

Jia Shou sigh and look at his daughter Jia Ai so she said confidently

"The border between south and central base,there is this laboratory!and the people we need is from there!"

Liang Xuiying who was look down boredly eyes flicker again and said

"Ooh!i heard about them!they are quite famous!"

She said in a mocking tone Jia Ai look at her and ask

"What do you know?"

Liang Xuiying giggle

"You only know them because you saw the future!but do you even know why they are hidden?"

Jia Ai froze!so Chen Zhangwei explain to them

"This laboratory was ban by the government years ago because of their illegal conduct of experimenting!"

Jia Ai and Jia Shou was startled and look at the soldiers,but they dont seem to be surprised,so meaning they all already knew

Liang Xuiying saw their expression and put her elbow on the table while holding her chin

"You know what evil they did?they first experimenting on pregnant animals!wanted to try if crossbreeding between different species is possible!but they didnt feel contented on animals!"

She smile at them eerily

"Later on a lot of poor people went lost!of course it was not full scale but little by little,so nobody noticed but one family lost their son so they went to the police to report!"

You summon the wrong soul!really!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα