chapter 7

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[Like as always, i finished the work and went to the restaurent and ate nice yummy food
Everyday i wait for him to come out and we both walk home in the same direction
Even though i feel like I am quite close to him now
Still it feels like i am only seeing his outer flesh

The words he said a week back still didn't leave my mind
Enjoying my life at this point
In my home the only thing I used to have in my mind is to be alive at that present moment
Now I don't even know what to dream of
Should I have a dream ?

Does every person breathing should have a dream ?
Can't I live my present happily ?
The fragrance of the flowers
The work
The manager who treats me like her sister
The tasty food in the restaurent
Our peacefull walks
Isn't this enough?

Am i thinking too low ?
But isn't living better than dying even without a dream ?]

A 1000 thoughts always fill her mind
While she  is waiting for Adil outside his restaurant

"Nandini,Isn't the weather nice today?" He asked

She looked up and there is not even one star in the night sky and it was kinda disturbing being too dark as the moon is hiding behind the clouds

"You think so?" She asked smiling at him uncomfortably

[He have some weird tastes]

"Hmm--darkness have a life"he spoke with a small smile ..

"You are weird" she said laughing hard

While suddenly he stopped walking
His hands became stiff
He shut his eyes hard

"What happened? ..are you okay ? ..hey speak something" nandini started panicking looking at him ..

His veins are being clearly visible on his hands

He is struggling to breathe ..

He hit her behind her neck
She fainted and he dissappeared like a flash from there

He is searching all over sniffing
His eyes are red and his salive is dripping down his fangs

He heard a sound
He ran like a flash

He saw a women who got accidentally cut by a bottle glass which is broken

She is sucking on her bleeding hand

He growled as he saw the blood

He ran fast towards her and snapped her neck drinking her blood

He drained every bit of her blood

He panted with pleasure as she fallen down dead from his hands

His face is covered of blood all over
His red eyes came back to normal
His veins and finger nails and fangs everything came back to normal
"Again another mistake"

He raised her body and walked to the beach nearby and threw her body in the water

"How many times do I have to tell you to be careful of your surroundings if you killed someone"
A person spoke walking to him

"Well you can take care of the rest" Adil said as he walked away

"I wonder when he will change" he mumbled and saw a lady far away who witnessed the scene trembling

He walked to her in a flash

"Did you see everything miss ?" He asked with a smile

" I won't tell anyone please spare me" she begged trembling

"Don't worry miss I won't kill you i will just wipe away your memories okay?" He said and closed her eyes with his hand and she fainted


ADIL walked to nandini who is still lying on the ground

"Nandini---nandini" he shaked her hardly and she opened her eyes slowly

"A..ADIL" ...she spoke and tried to get up but felt a sharp pain in her neck

**Oww** she sounded catching the back of her neck

"What happened?" She asked shutting her eyes hard with pain

"You got hit by a bike and you lost consciousness" he said helping her standing up

"Bike? Why can't I remember anything..
I remember you struggling to breathe" she said pressing slightly on her neck

"Did you have a dream while you fainted ? ..
We are walking and suddenly a bike hit you ..
I ran to catch him but i couldn't leave you here so I left him..
I think we should go to hospital" he said and helped her in walking

[Why does he smell of blood
I clearly remember him struggling ..
His veins and his eyes
Why do I feel like I am forgetting something..
Why can't i remember the bike]

"Does it hurt a lot?" He asked

"My neck hurts like crazy but don't worry i can bare this kinds of pain it's like a habit"

"Habit ? people have these kinds of habits too ? ..
Are you a masochist or do you have some kind of fetish"

"You see i can't even laugh at this point cause my neck hurts" she said and he laughed hard

They reached the hospital

"Don't worry it's a small sprain ..
Don't move your neck suddenly and have rest" in doctor said patching her neck

[Oops I guess i hit her a little too hard]

"Thank you doctor" she said and stood ..

They came outside of the hospital ..

"I will take you to your home"



They reached nandini room

"The keys are in my purse ..if you don't mind can you take it" she asked and he rambled in her purse and found the keys ..

He opened the door and entered inside ..

"I will bring you some water" she said and walked to the kitchen ..

He sat down on the ground ..
Her room is so small and there is no furniture

"You lie down's already late" ..he said taking the water glass from her hand

"I will after you leave"

"Okay then I am leaving"
He said and stood up

" that's not what I meant"

"Hahah's okay ...i have to leave too cause it's already late"

"Okay be careful on your way back" she said waving him bye at her door step ..

"You too have rest" ..he said and turned back to leave ..

Nandini saw a blood finger prints on the shoulder of his shirt and got suprised

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