Chapter 27

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"'re saying you raped me and also erased my memories?" My words barely come out of my mouth.

I feel like the person I thought I knew just a few minutes ago was nothing but a dream. I can't even remember what kind of person I thought he was before learning this truth.

"Just why?" I ask, my voice filled with disbelief and anger.

"I don't know myself," he says as he tries to approach me.

"Don't you dare!" I yell, pushing him away.

"Don't you dare come near me!" I can see the shock on his face, but he's not the Manik I thought I knew. He's someone else—a stranger. The real Manik is a monster and a rapist.

"That's not me! I swear I never did that to anyone," he pleads.

"Does that justify what you did to me?" I demand.

"It was a weak moment," he whispers.A weak moment? Bullshit!

"Not all vampires have the power to produce a human from them, so it is rare. I never thought you would get pregnant" 

"Let's say what if I didn't get pregnant. You would've walked around me holding this secret that you raped me? Look in my eyes and speak to me while hiding a monster inside you?" 

"I won't say I didn't think of that" 


I don't even know what to say. I feel furious...I am so angry but why am I crying? if I am angry I should shout at him so why am I crying? 

Is this disappointment? The only person I trusted betrayed me. 

Is this sadness? 

I didn't wish for much in my life. I wanted a peaceful life to LIVE so why do things always happen to me? 

Am I unlucky?

Did the god think giving a life to someone like me is a waste and decided to torture me? 

Why? Just why me? Why me from my childhood? 

My tears are not stopping. 

"I initially kidnapped you because the while erasing your memories I missed a spell and made it for a short period of time. The moment when you remember all the things that happened between us will come soon. You will know I am a vampire! And it is a secret we should not let the outside world know. So I asked to bring you but unexpectedly I learned about your pregnancy." 

"So now you want to play the father card? or do you just want to keep my baby because he shares vampire blood?" I asked angrily. 

"Part of me wanted him because he is my child but that's not the only reason I want him" 

"Then what?" 

"It's because it's OUR  child" 

"Don't! it's not yours it's MINE. It's in my womb. If I ever feel a threat to my baby. I won't hesitate to hurt you. It's my life now. This baby is my life now. It's my only family. I will do whatever I can or more than I can do to protect it" My rage made my words tremble. That's hurt and also anger. 

"You need me, Nandini!" He said sternly. 

"I don't" 

"If I don't keep you safe here. You will be dead" 

"you are not keeping me safe because of me. You are doing it for this child." 

"And that's exactly why you need my protection. The other Vampires smelled a human a long time ago and everyone is rearing to drink your blood. They don't mind eating your flesh if that's the last resort of getting your blood into their system. I am a Vampire lord. The owner of this house and the lord of other Vampires. They get scared by me. You will be safe here" 

"I don't want to be with you!" 

"You don't need to be with me thinking as someone you knew in the past or someone who is the father of your child. Just think of me as someone who is trying to protect you and your child and stay here under my protection." 

"And what if I refuse?" 

"You don't exactly have a choice" 

"Are you threatening me right now?" 

I am just trying to keep you safe" 

"Go to hell" 

"I am sure you are just speaking of anger. You will understand once you calm down and think about what's best for you and the BABY" 

He is cruel. He is a monster. 

He is a selfish person. 

Just what kind of fantasies I had of him in my mind? 

This is the actual Manik! 

"Please trust me Nandini" 

"I will never trust you. 

"At least for the baby. Please be calm and believe in me. I won't let anyone do any harm to you and the baby" 

"Please go away. I don't want to see you. Please leave me alone. I hate you" I yelled at him. 

He didn't say a word and left the room silently. 

Sitting alone in the room after he left, I felt a whirlwind of emotions raging inside me. Anger, betrayal, confusion, and fear all mingled together, creating a storm of turmoil in my heart.

I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. The man I thought I knew, the one I had let myself trust, had turned out to be a monster. How could he have hidden such a dark secret from me? How could he have violated me in such a horrific way?

But along with the anger, there was also confusion. I couldn't understand why I was feeling so torn. Part of me wanted to scream and lash out at him, to make him understand the pain he had caused me. But another part of me felt a strange sense of longing, a desire for the comfort and safety he had once provided.

And then there was the fear. Fear of what the future held, fear of being alone, fear of the unknown. I didn't know what would happen next, didn't know how I would cope with the aftermath of his betrayal.

Just what should I do now? 

MY MYSTERIOUS MANWhere stories live. Discover now