Chapter 24

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"What is he doing in bed???"

"Did he come here last night?" ...

She was surprised to see him still sleeping even after a scream like that. The sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow on his peaceful face. She could hear the gentle sound of his breathing, a stark contrast to the chaos of her thoughts. With a quick glance around the room, she hurried to the washroom for a shower.

As the warm water cascaded over her, she closed her eyes, trying to make sense of the events of the previous night. Did they really sleep together? The unfamiliar sensation of sharing her bed with someone lingered in her mind, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions.

As she emerged from the bathroom, she found him still asleep, undisturbed by her movements. The soft morning light gently illuminated his features, casting a golden hue upon his face. She couldn't help but notice the delicate curve of his long eyelashes and the precise arch of his eyebrows. His hair, smooth and silky, framed his peaceful expression, adding to his serene aura.Sitting beside him, she observed him with a sense of wonder. Despite the chaos of her thoughts, he appeared tranquil and serene in his slumber, a picture of beauty and calmness.

She couldn't resist the urge to reach out and lightly brush her fingers through his hair, marveling at its softness. The sunlight danced playfully across his skin, highlighting the subtle contours of his face. Every gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath seemed to synchronize with the rhythm of the waves outside, creating a serene symphony of tranquility.

In that moment, she felt a sense of connection to him, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. The worries and uncertainties that had plagued her mind seemed to fade away, replaced by a feeling of contentment and warmth in his presence.

Lost in her thoughts, she found herself mesmerized by the sight of him, admiring the peaceful expression that graced his features. It was as if time itself had slowed down, allowing her to appreciate the beauty of this simple moment shared between them.

After a few minutes, he stirred, signaling that he was about to wake up. Nandini quietly slipped off the bed and made her way to the couch, settling herself down. As he opened his eyes and noticed her, he spoke.

"When did you wake up?" he inquired.

"Maybe 40 minutes ago," she replied softly.

"Oh," he murmured in response.

"When did you move to the bed?" she asked, her voice tentative.

"The couch is uncomfortable," he explained.

"Then you could have moved me to the couch," she suggested.

"Are you two fighting?" he asked.

"No," she yelled a little loud. 

"I'll go get you breakfast," he spoke softly before leaving the room, his steps echoing faintly in the hallway. A short while later, he returned with a tray of breakfast goodies, placing it gently on the bedside table. Nandini noticed the aroma of fresh coffee and warm pastries wafting through the air. As he disappeared into the bathroom, the sound of the running water filled the room, comforting in its familiarity.

Nandini couldn't help but steal a quick glance as Manik walked out of the room, his upper body exposed. His hair was still damp from the shower, tousled in a way that made him look effortlessly attractive. Water droplets glistened on his skin, tracing the contours of his well-defined muscles. The play of light on his toned physique highlighted every curve and ridge, captivating her gaze as she found herself momentarily lost in admiration.

It was an everyday feast for her, a silent indulgence in the sight of him.

"Are you done?" He asked suddenly, breaking her reverie.

She choked on her food, caught off guard by his question.

"D..done what?" She asked, panic evident in her voice.

"Eating?" He asked, looking slightly confused.

"Ahh... yes yes... I am done," she spoke hastily, quickly wiping her mouth with a napkin.


"I am going out. I'll come back by evening. Don't open the door for anyone," Manik spoke briskly as he gathered the necessary food for the day and placed it on the table before swiftly exiting the room.

As soon as he left, the room fell into silence, and an unexpected wave of loneliness washed over her. It felt too calm, too empty without his presence. In the span of their time together in the same room, she had grown accustomed to his company. His absence now left a void she hadn't anticipated.

For days, she had shared space with Manik, and unknowingly, her heart had grown attached to his presence. Yet, she struggled to define the emotions swirling within her. Was it merely friendship, or was there something more? She couldn't shake the uncertainty, fearing she might mistake companionship for love, an emotion she had yet to experience in her life.

As evening approached, she found herself missing him in the room. The whole day had felt monotonous without his presence. When she heard a knock on the door, excitement lit up her face, and she hurriedly made her way to answer it.

"Manik!" she exclaimed with a bright smile as she swung the door open. However, her smile faded when she saw two unfamiliar faces standing before her, instead of Manik.

The tall, imposing figure at the door exuded an aura of menace, his dark eyes cold and calculating as they surveyed the room. His unkempt beard and disheveled clothing gave him a rough, intimidating appearance, while the scar that ran across his cheek hinted at a violent past.

Beside him stood a shorter, stockier man with a sneer etched onto his face. His greasy hair hung lankly around his shoulders, and his narrow eyes gleamed with malice as he looked at her. His tattoos, visible on his exposed arms, told a tale of criminal affiliations and a life lived on the wrong side of the law.

Together, they radiated an aura of danger and menace, their presence filling the room with an oppressive tension that made her heart race with fear.


They quickly closed her mouth and went inside the room with her and closed the door behind them. 

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