Chapter 12

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I left the shop very satisfied. I have never thought the food you choose by yourself tastes so good. I forgot the taste of food long ago. Although Adil taught me how to savor every taste, having something on my own decision is so different.

I reached the shop and my work went normally. The worst feeling I had this morning disappeared just like that.

It is so weird that just small things are enough for us to make our day happy. Anyway, I wonder who that new guy in Adil's shop is.

Oh dang, it! I was so happy with the food that I forgot to ask what happened to Adil. I wonder where he went to leave his shop with some other person.

But are they related or something?

Imagining them both together is too bright for my eyes. Two handsome people and I am a potato.


The whole day went smoothly. I walked to his shop again in a daze, with the taste of the food in my mind all along. Those who won't fall in love with food are just robots.

I was a robot before until I found the taste of the beautiful, tasty food he made.

I reached the shop and it was completely empty. Did they close already? I mean, it's not even 9 yet? I wonder what happened.

I guess I will buy something in the convenience store before I go home today.

I turned back, and I was surprised to see someone standing in front of me. Furthermore, I flinched and threw a punch, and he caught my hand.

As I saw closely, it was the guy from the morning. What was his name again? I don't remember.

"Manik" He spoke.


"I am introducing myself. I am Manik wolis. I am Adil wolis's brother."

Wolis? Is that Adil's last name? Hmm... I never thought to ask. And also wait, brother?

Yeah, can kind of imagine them being brothers.

"I am Nandini"

Should I say my last name? I guess I kind of walked away from it, so there is no reason for it right?

"You look so familiar"

I can't even dare to think that it was a pickup line. He is handsome like a hero, and I am like an ugly roach.

"Well, this is the second time we met after I visited your shop in the morning, and also I don't think I would ever forget YOU if I saw you once"

I mean, who could ever forget a face like his?

"I see that makes sense" He spoke with a smile.

His smile is somewhat creepy. He is smiling, but his eyes look scary for some reason.

"Today, I wanted to close early because we are out of resources. It was too busy"

"Oh, It's alright"

I guess It's time for me to leave.

"Okay then..." I turned to leave

"Want to have dinner with me?"

Huh? Why would he eat with me?

"No, thanks," I spoke and walked away from him quickly.

He does IS creepy. I wonder when Adil will come back.

Oh, crap! I forgot to ask about Adil again.

How come I am always forgetting it when I speak to him? Maybe I will ask him tomorrow.

I reached home. I forgot to buy something to eat. What a tiring day. I will eat tomorrow. It's not like I will die if I skip food for a day.


I woke up early again. I had the same dream again. My father is trying to kill me. What did I do to receive such hate? I seriously want to die

My tears are not stopping. My eyes are completely wet. Please let me live, father...


My eyes are all puffy from all that crying early in the morning. And I am hungry. I walked to Adil's shop and it was so crowded, just like yesterday. I don't actually have the strength to stand in line today. Maybe I should skip for the morning? tired.

I reached the shop and today of all days it is so busy. I forgot to have food all day. It's night again. What a boring day. My day, like everything, is so pathetic.

I walked to Adil's shop, and it is closed yet again today. Wow, that guy sure is increasing the sales, huh?

Think about closing the shop early twice in a row!

"Good evening" I heard a voice.

I know who it is.

"Good evening Mr. Manik" I spoke, turning around to him.

He didn't speak anything, instead slowly stared at my face. Does my face look uglier than normal?

"Why-- are you staring?"

"Are you hungry?" He asked.


I want to scream. Not only that, but I haven't eaten anything since last night.

"Would you care to join me for some dinner?" He asked.

How weird is it that I couldn't eat anything after he asked me to eat with him yesterday, and he is again asking the same thing today?

I can't refuse... I might faint if I don't eat something right now.

He walked to the shop's back door and opened its lock.

"Have a seat" He said wearing his apron.

Handsome boys wearing Apron are truly a sight, huh?

"What would you like to eat, Ms. Nandini?" He asked with a smile.

"Huh? You can cook anything that is fine with you... I am honestly fine with everything."

"Hmm...that won't do. You must always have a choice of your own when coming to food. It tastes so good when you decide something for yourself"

"I don't think I know any of that"

"Then let me tell you"

He looks so excited. He explained every dish on the menu individually and in a very detailed way.

Some are making my mouth drool.

"Did anything sound delicious?" He asked.

I nodded my head and showed him the dish.

"Very great choice, Ms. Nandini," He said and turned around and started cooking.

It's so peaceful.

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