Chapter 15

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"Bye" I went back to my room and the first thing I did is look at myself in the mirror. I moved my hair back a little. The scars looked the same as usual. There is no blood or any wound. Everything looks normal, but it doesn't hurt to check with the doctor once.


Next day,

I am sitting in the hospital. I took an appointment with a doctor. This is the same hospital I used to visit all the time. He is more familiar with my case, so I had to come to this place once again. I am sure I won't run into my father, of course, because he hardly ever left his room.

The urge to check on him is bothering me a lot. But returning to that home ends everything, so I won't go there ever even if it kills me.


"It's me"

I don't want to see his face. Ever.

"Nandini? Is that really you? I got surprised when I saw your name again." The doctor who knows everything about me. It's been a long time since I saw him.

"How are you, uncle?"

"I should be the one asking you that! Where have you disappeared? I was so worried, but why did you come to the hospital? Did he hit you again? Are you bleeding anywhere?"

This feeling of someone worrying about me is nice.

"No, but these days I feel like I am forgetting things, uncle. I can't seem to remember some parts that happened in a day."

"Huh? Let's do scanning to check if everything is alright"


"Everything looks perfectly fine," He said, looking at my reports and scan.

"I sometimes seriously think you are a wonder woman, surviving these many wounds on your head and still being normal. But that's why I am very proud of you. For now, all the reports look fine. You don't need to worry. It might just be the stress building up. Take a vacation and go somewhere peaceful. Try hiking and some other things, giving exercise to your body and peace to your mind and heart"

"Now tell me where did you disappear" 

I told him everything going on with me recently. He smiled a little listening to me. 

"If you have any worries always come to me without a doubt" He spoke and I nodded my head. 

I got up to leave the room. 

"Nandini" I turned back. 

"Please be happy" 


I walked out of the hospital and saw a missed call on my mobile. It is Manik. I called back.

"Where are you?" His voice on the phone sounds a little different.


"Did something happen? Are you okay?"

"Everything is fine. Just a regular check-up"

"I will pick you up, tell me the address"

"It's fine"

"I am worried so..."

I like the feeling of someone getting worried about me.


I sat outside the hospital and after 30 minutes he got there. He got down his black car wearing completely black clothes. He wore black glasses. Why is he overly dressed up?

Or is his normal dressing heavy because he is beautiful? Whatever it is, he is too beautiful to be a human.

I waved at him and he spotted me.

"Are you alright?" He asked as soon as he walked to me and check me from all sides.

"I am!" I slowly spoke with a small chuckle.

"What's with this regular check-up? Does every person do that?" He asked curiously.


He looked at the hospital

"This hospital---" He mumbled.

"This is a hospital I have been going to for ages that I can't even remember. I always got hurt by my father in my head and used to collapse on roads. Sometimes I used to walk here all by myself, but many times I got help. It's a long story, but I have to say I all the people that helped me all the time when I was in a near-death situation, I am grateful to them" I said with a small smile.

I am glad I passed all that phase in life.

"Let's go" He spoke and held my hand and walked me to the car. Opened the door and I sat down.

All through the ride, he was silent. Did my words disturb him? Should I have not said anything? Is he annoyed?

The 30 minutes ride was quieter and more silent than I imagined. My breath was the only thing I can hear all the ride.

We quickly reached my place and I got down.

I don't know what to say.

"I may not be too sociable or good with my words. I might blurt some things at the wrong moment not reading the room so If I said something o disturb or annoy you. Please forgive me. Thank you for the ride" I spoke and quickly walked to my room not listening to his response.

I am a coward.


Author pov,


He went inside the room of Nandini and saw her asleep

"Wake her up"...he said, and his men woke her up...

He went near her and cupped her face in between his hands

"You will remember all the things that ever happened to you ..." he said and one of his men asked

"What's that, you should've said to forget everything right," he asked

"No, a person shouldn't forget whatever he has gone through in his life cause that's what human life is ...she is just a child but even if she forgets the things she thinks are bad sooner or later in some way life brings it in front of her not letting her escape ...then at that point will be harder for her ...
She just has to go with the flow ...right now, so she can go through good in the future"...he said and everyone remained silent ...

He saw her again ...

"You have very beautiful eyes"...he said with a chuckle ...

"You have to wake up with a nightmare of your trauma tomorrow so at least sleep peacefully today and forget about us"...he said, and slowly she slowly went to sleep


Manik remembered a small incident.

"So, that child was you after all huh" Manik mumbled, falling on his steering slowly.

[I can't seem to understand what she is feeling, but her face looks terrible] He thought with a small sigh.

(Refer to chapters 2 and 3)

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