Chapter 21

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A day has passed since that incident happened except for a person providing me food which is better than before nothing else happened. 
I still don't understand why they kidnapped me or I am rotting with my baby in this place. My life was always a mess but at least for my baby I wanted to give a good life but god is not showing me mercy at all. What mistake must I have made for him to give me a life like this?

No person to call as family, no person who loves me. No person I can call that can solely be mine, between these thoughts, only my baby is coming to my mind whom I am unable to protect properly and whose father's face I don't even know. 

Just what is happening with me? I should've died in my father's hands only. I survived way too many times, so many wounds, so many scars, so much pain...just why did I? 

I heard the lock-clicking sound of the door which become so familiar from the past few days since I came here...that's the only sound I hear constantly.

"An order came to change your room. Come with me quietly, try to do anything, and see me killing both you and your baby before leaving your last breath." 

"O...okay" I stood up quietly and he came towards me breaking the chain on my leg. He turned back walking out of the room and I silently followed him. 

The first step out of that room after a week made me feel like I could breathe some air again. My eyes followed all the surroundings which left me in disappointment having nothing but walls. 

He made me walk through a small door...As I passed through that a surprise filled my face... The door led to a hall which is as big as a city hall. It's red. The carpet which is in the middle. The chandelier on the top reflected a red light to the room. The curtains, the doors, the paints everything is red. 

He made me climb stairs which are in the right corner of the hall which also have a red carpet on them. 

"Don't look elsewhere unless you wanna die" He said which surprised me and made me forcefully look his back which I have to follow. 

He made me climb 3 floors and finally made me stand in front of a door. He knocked 3 times on it and left not giving a glance at my side. What should I do? 

Should I follow him? or wait for someone to open this door which I am facing presently? 

I heard the clicking sound of the door knob from the inside and my focus was shifted to the door. The door opened and a bright light fell on my face which made me cover my eyes a bit. 

"Come in" I heard a voice whose face I couldn't see due to the light covering my eyes... 

I entered the room slowly and I heard the sound of the door closing behind me. 

I flinched and moved back a little which made me move away from the light directly falling in my eyes... 

"How are you?" His voice was sounding strangely familiar... 

As I raised my head up to see ... the person standing in front of me shocked me. 


"It's been a while" He spoke... 

"What are you doing here?" 

"It's my room" 


"It's my home" 

"What...that--- I .... did you order to kidnap me?" I asked anxiously... 

He remained silent for that... 

"Why? Why? I don't understand just why?" I am panicking right now. 

"I'll explain everything later. For now, you can stay in my room which is the safest place for you and your baby. No one enters in without my permission so trust me and stay here" 

"No, NOO. Never!! Tell me why you kidnapped me first, what happened to you? why do you disappear suddenly? Just what is happening? I need an explanation!" 

"NANDINI!" He called me with a very low voice yet it gave me a shiver down my spine. 

"The less you know, the better for you and your baby. I'll tell the servant to provide healthy food for you from now on so eat and rest" 

"What does that mean?" I mumbled...He said nothing and left the room silently. 

"No...Open the door. Let me go...I wanna leave" I continuously banged on the door again and again but he didn't come back. 

What is happening? Why is Manik here? why did he kidnap me? what does he want from me? Why is he doing this? 

I am scared...Mother, I am scared....someone please help me. 


It might have been around 20 minutes since Manik left the room. The crying made my throat dry. Just when my eyes turn towards all sides and corners of the room. I heard a knock on the door. 

I walked to the door and stood in front of it clenching on my dress waiting for the other person to open the door but I heard the knock again. 

I tried rotating the knob of the door and it opened. What? how? When Manik left it didn't open!! 

A person wearing black clothes entered the room closing the door 

"master ordered to provide you food Mistress" He spoke making me sit on a chair and he placed many variety kinds of food on the table in front of me. 

These are Manik's signature dishes an some other things he often cooks. 

"Did Manik make this?" 

"No, it was the master recipe we follow sometimes," He said with a smile... 

I took a spoonful and just as I kept it in my mouth, my eyes started tearing up. It doesn't have the exact taste but it made me remember a lot of things. 

manik taught me a lot of things in life. He made me realise how beautiful is eating something you like. He made me do the decisions on my own. he made me feel special. He made me feel seen and heard. 

Just why are you doing this Manik... 

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