Chapter 16

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Manik disappeared. It's been a week. After he dropped me home from the hospital that day he completely disappeared. He is not picking up my calls or calling me back. His shop is closed for a few days and I have no clue what's happening anymore. 

Adil disappeared just like that and I still don't know the reason for that because whenever I am with Manik I always skip the parts that are important from my mind and only enjoy that moment. Although I can't complain about it much it just makes me anxious.

People leaving my life is a very common thing but both brothers became very close to me in just a few days showing me what life is and what food actually tastes like. They showed me the little happiness around me that I can never find on my own. 

Manik is different. Completely different from Adil. The feelings I had for Adil are just like an attraction to his beauty and I found that so soon after I met Manik. I can't exactly say I have feelings for Manik because they are both my friends. 

I started looking for Manik in all the places we had ever visited. I called his mobile many times that I can't even remember anymore. 

What happened? 

Did I do something? 

Is it my fault? 

I can't stop these questions from popping into my mind. 

Where did you disappear stupid? just come back! 


Just like that a few more days and months passed with not even a word from them. I always stay away from people for THIS very reason. They leave without a care. They won't think about the other person. Those both became so close to me in just a few weeks that I forgot to keep my guard up and stupidly let them inside. 

It was my fault. I know better than this. They must have had a reason for leaving without a word but that doesn't matter anymore because a month passed since then I feel like there are some holes in my memory but I can't seem to remember anything even though how hard I try to remember them. 

I stopped caring. If there is a reason for this too. Like me getting some disease or something and saying I actually won't mind and will die happily but not peacefully. 


3 months passed, 

It was a normal day of work. I went back to my cold form. I couldn't smile. I couldn't do anything without an angry expression on my face. It's not like I am actually angry. It's just my facial muscles couldn't relax. 

Nonstop work. I am doing work without rest. I know it's not good for my body but I want to think of more options for my life. I want to earn more money so I can think of those options. I want to run away from place to place every year and adapt to it. 

I want to run. 

I can't have a peaceful life. It doesn't suit me. 

I felt a little sick from the morning but I didn't care much. I felt a little nauseous when I ate my almost expiring cold food but I just ate it without a thought. 

The work was fine. The smell of flowers relaxes me a little. 

My favorite flower is a yellow daffodil. It always amused me. All the flowers I have ever known grown facing the sky, facing the light but the Daffodil is different. It always looks down like it's sad about something but it still blooms. It is healthy and I liked it.

I moved near it and took a small sniff exhaling its smell.  They give a small hit of the jasmine smell. Which is actually fragrant. Some daffodils' smell is truly disgusting. But I like the smell of the yellow one. They are actually peaceful. 

I sniffed it like this is the last day for me on this earth. And my head started spinning after I started thinking like that. 



I slowly opened my eyes with all the noise around me. There is my manager standing with the doctor a little far away. The roof is unique. The smell is strong. The hospital smell which I absolutely hate. Why am I here? 

Oh right! I fainted. My head did spin but why a hospital for just that? She is always worried about me so I can't say anything here. 

Manager: Will she be fine?... She asked and I can hear a hint of worriedness in her voice. 

Doctor: She needs complete bed rest for a few days. I will write down some supplements which will help best at this time. 

He said and wrote some tablets I guess on a piece of paper and left from there. My manager looked at me and I gave her a small smile as I moved to sit up. 

Nandini: Is it about my head? 

My head's been hurting a lot these days and I am easily forgetting things I also feel like I have some blank spaces in my memory that I can't seem to remember at all. So it must be it. 

Manager: I want you to carefully listen to me without panicking. 

Nandini: I won't panic no matter what It is. 

If I really DID have some disease or something happened with my head. Isn't that a good thing?

Manager: Nandini...That.. 

Why is she hesitating that much? Is it really such bad news? Like I will die or something? 

Nandini: Please spill it. 

Manager: Nandini...this will be very hard on you but I want you to listen carefully and calmly. She took a deep breath and 




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