Chapter 25

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Nandini's heart raced with fear as she struggled against their grip, kicking her legs in a desperate attempt to break free. However, their hold on her remained firm, their strength overpowering her efforts. Despite her resistance, they dragged her towards the bed, their forceful actions leaving her feeling helpless and trapped.

As they pinned her down onto the bed, Nandini's breath quickened, panic rising within her chest. She frantically searched for a way to escape, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty. The weight of their bodies pressing down on her only served to intensify her sense of vulnerability, her struggles becoming more frantic as she fought against their hold.

In that moment of terror, Nandini felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, her instincts screaming at her to fight back. But as she looked into their eyes, filled with malice and intent, she knew that she was no match for them. All she could do was pray for help, her voice silenced by the fear that gripped her throat.

"Please...Please leave me..." She cried. But they didn't leave her. 

"Manik!!!" She screamed suddenly. 

"Shut up!" The man said slapping her across her face and stuffing her mouth with a cloth not letting her voice out. 

"He is protecting you like a treasure."He spoke as he tore her dress. 

"Mmmmmm" She is struggling trying to scream. 

"Leave her, you bastards!!!" The words echoed through the room, resonating with a fierce intensity.

Nandini's breath caught in her throat as she turned to see Manik standing in the doorway, his figure outlined by the fading light of the setting sun. His eyes blazed with a fiery determination, his fists clenched at his sides as he confronted the intruders with an unwavering gaze.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two assailants turned their attention towards Manik, their faces contorted with a mixture of surprise and defiance. But in the face of Manik's unwavering resolve, they hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty betraying their bravado.

With a swift movement, Manik stepped forward, his presence commanding the room as he stood between Nandini and her assailants. His voice rang out once more, sharp and authoritative, cutting through the chaos like a beacon of strength and reassurance.

In that moment, Nandini felt a surge of gratitude and relief wash over her. She knew that with Manik by her side, she was safe. And as she watched him confront their attackers with a fierce determination, she felt a renewed sense of hope kindle within her heart. For in the midst of darkness, Manik's steadfast courage was a beacon of light, guiding her through the storm.

"Sleep!" He spoke and suddenly Nandini went into deep sleep. 


Nandini woke up on the bed, her body still tingling with the remnants of fear and adrenaline. She glanced around the room, half-expecting to see signs of the chaos that had unfolded earlier, but everything appeared unchanged. It was as if the events of the night had been nothing more than a haunting dream.

Manik sat in his usual spot, his expression unreadable as he watched her with a steady gaze. Despite the calm facade he presented, Nandini could sense the underlying tension in the air, a silent reminder of the recent turmoil.

"What happened to them?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"They got punished for what they did," Manik replied, his tone clipped and matter-of-fact.

"Wait! Did you change my clothes?" Nandini's voice trembled with disbelief as she glanced down at her attire, realization dawning upon her.

"Yes," Manik replied evenly, his gaze meeting hers with calm assurance.

Nandini's eyes widened in alarm. 

"But why? How could you..."

"Relax," Manik interrupted, his tone gentle yet firm, attempting to assuage her rising panic.

"Did you see—" Nandini began, her voice trailing off uncertainly.

"See what? If you mean your body, there is a mole on your right—" Manik started to respond, his words interrupted by Nandini's sudden exclamation.

"Ahhh!" Nandini's cheeks flushed crimson as embarrassment flooded through her.

"You saw everything?!" she yelled, her voice tinged with mortification.

"Nandini, relax," Manik urged, his tone soothing as he attempted to calm her distress.
Manik suddenly walked over to her, gently holding her face in his hands.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

"Manik?" she whispered.

"I'm sorry that happened to you," he said softly, his eyes reflecting his remorse.

"I'm fine. Thank you for helping me," she replied slowly, placing her hand over his on her cheek.

He smiled at her in response, a warm and familiar smile that filled her with a sense of comfort. It reminded her of the times they had shared in the past, bringing back memories of happier days.

Nandini felt a warm flush spread across her cheeks. At that moment, she realized she had fallen in love with Manik. The long hours spent waiting for him in that room had felt suffocating, but the mere thought of his return whenever someone knocked on the door brought a sense of relief. That was love.

Amidst the danger and uncertainty, she found herself whispering his name, finding solace and security in his presence. That was love too.

In that room, in the midst of danger, she had whispered his name, finding solace and security in his presence. She trusted him with her life, and in that trust, she found love.

"Manik. I missed you" She mumbled slowly. 

He left her face. 

"I missed you so much when you suddenly disappeared on me. You were my only friend. I waited for you to come back but days became months. You never came back. I felt shocked but also a little happy when I saw you here after I found out that I was kidnapped. I am an idiot for that but I feel like you are not a bad person. Please tell me why you brought me here at least now."

"You are wrong," He said sternly. 

"I am a bad person. The imagination you have of me are all fake" 

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