Chapter 34

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It's been a few months since Nandini started talking to me, but sometimes I can still see some lingering resentment in her eyes, buried beneath her attempts to move forward. She's been through so much, and it's understandable that she's hesitant to fully trust me again. Yet, despite her reservations, she's allowing me back into her life, if only tentatively.

Every day, I work tirelessly to earn back her trust and to make amends for the pain I've caused her. I find myself constantly thinking of ways to make her smile, to ease her burdens, and to show her that I'm committed to being the partner and father she deserves. It's a slow process, filled with setbacks and uncertainties, but I refuse to give up.

Nandini's strength and resilience continue to inspire me. Despite everything she's been through, she's still willing to give me a chance-to give us a chance. And for that, I'm endlessly grateful. I'm determined to make the most of this opportunity, to create a loving and supportive environment for our family, and to ensure that Nandini and our child know just how much they mean to me.

I never fully understood the passage of time until I became a parent. With a child, each moment seems to fly by in the blink of an eye, and before you know it, they're growing up right before your eyes.

From the moment my daughter, Tara, came into this world, I knew she was special. Born with Vampire abilities and magic coursing through her veins, she possessed a strength and power that surpassed anything I had ever seen. It was clear to me that she had the potential to become the next leader of our Vampire community-to unite our people and protect them from any threats that may arise.

Yet, despite Tara's extraordinary abilities, Nandini never pressured her to embrace her Vampire heritage. Instead, she chose to raise her like any other human child, allowing her to grow and discover her path in life. And while part of me longed to see Tara fulfill her destiny as the future head of Vampires, I couldn't help but admire Nandini's selflessness and unwavering commitment to our family.

For Nandini, having a family was enough-a source of joy and happiness that she had never experienced before. Although I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation for Tara's future, I found solace in the fact that we were all together, bound by love and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

Nandini Pov,

Many things have changed since Tara came into our lives. I can see Manik making a genuine effort to change, to make amends for the mistakes of the past. His remorse is palpable, his apologies sincere. Yet, despite his efforts, I find it difficult to let go of the feeling of betrayal that lingers within me. Trust is not something that can be easily regained, and while I am willing to give him a chance, I still harbor doubts and reservations.

But despite the lingering doubts, I am happy. Happy to have a family, to have Tara in our lives. She was born with Vampire abilities, a fact that initially filled me with apprehension. But as I watch her grow and flourish, I realize that her abilities are a source of strength, not fear. She has the power to protect herself, to navigate the world with confidence and pride, long after Manik and I are gone.

And so, despite the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, I find solace in the knowledge that Tara is strong, that she will forge her own path in life, guided by love and the lessons she learns along the way.


It's been a year since Tara was born, and in that time, I've found myself slowly losing touch with the world outside the walls of this Vampire Mansion. Here, among these supernatural beings, I've found acceptance, friendship, and even love. It's a strange existence, one that I never could have imagined for myself.

But amidst the newfound happiness and sense of belonging, there lingers a sense of uncertainty. What is the purpose of my life? Is it defined by the child I bore, by the love Manik shows me, by the affection of the other vampires? Or is it shaped by the hatred and cruelty I endured at the hands of my father?

At just 20 years old, I've already experienced more than most humans ever will. Is this a blessing or a curse? I cannot say for certain. All I know is that I am grateful for the life I have now, even as I grapple with these questions that linger at the back of my mind.

"Why don't you start education again?" Manik's sudden words caught me off guard.

I had put my education on hold after high school, needing to work to make ends meet and to escape the ghosts of my past. His suggestion wasn't entirely new; he had mentioned it before. But even if I wanted to pursue further studies, what would I study?

"Do you have any interests or passions?" he asked, his voice carrying genuine curiosity.

"I am not sure" I replied.

"I never really thought about it!"

"Then think about it now. You have a long future" Manik spoke as he took the baby away from my hands.

My hands which had no weight as the baby is gone felt free. No responsibilities. I don't need to try hard to make a living.

I am actually free now to do what I want and what I can!

And now the struggle started.


I searched through countless books, trying to uncover what kind of education and career paths exist in this world. Despite my efforts, nothing truly sparked my interest. What did I want?Manik entered the room with some food, breaking my concentration. "Here, eat something," he offered.

"Thank you," I replied, and he began massaging my shoulders from behind.

"Have you decided on anything?" he asked gently.I shook my head, feeling lost.

"Don't worry, you'll find your path," he reassured me, his words offering comfort.

The aroma of the food filled the room, enchanting me. It brought back memories, reminding me of how far I had come. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasure of choosing what to eat, a freedom I never had in my father's house.



I am Niharika.

How are you all?

I am really grateful for all the readers I have. I am a very lonely and depressed person. I have no one to talk to or share things so stories are my only enjoyment. My every story tells a tale. A few bits of my life that I can actually share only through stories. I am glad there are people to read it. It hurts to me that I am unable to upload chapters every day because I am busy living.

Everyone is busy living. It's hard sometimes.

Today I am writing to say that next chapter is the last chapter of "My Mysterious Man"

I am grateful that I am yet again able to finish a great story.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Thank you.

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