Chapter 26

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"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency.

"You don't need to know!" He dodged my question again.

"No! Tell me today! You are different from the one I knew in the past. What is this house? What are you? Why am I brought here? Why is this happening to me? Tell me everything. Today, you have to tell me!" I demanded, frustration boiling within me.

He sighed heavily as he sat down, the weight of my questions evident in his demeanor. He placed his hand on his forehead, rubbing it wearily. He was clearly struggling, torn between the desire to keep me in the dark and the need to confide in me. His internal conflict was palpable."

"That is fake," he mumbled slowly, his voice heavy with remorse.

"What?" I replied, confusion evident in my tone.

"The previous me who spent time with you as your friend and as a restaurant owner is all fake," he confessed.

"No, it's not," I argued, unable to believe his words.

"Yes, it is. Everything is a fake creation I made you and everyone around me think."

"I'm not understanding you," I said slowly, sinking onto the bed, my mind reeling with disbelief and uncertainty.

He sighed again, taking a deep breath, preparing himself for my reaction.

"I am a vampire," he finally confessed.

My eyes widened at the sudden revelation. A vampire? Like the ones in movies and books? Immortal creatures?"We are not immortal," he clarified before I could voice my thoughts.

"That's what they show in books and movies, though. But wait, I didn't say that out loud," I realized, a shiver running down my spine.

"I can hear your inner voice too," he replied calmly.

Inner voice too? The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. He had heard everything I had ever thought about him, every doubt, every fear.

"I don't mind, so relax," he reassured me.

"So you being a vampire is true?" I asked, needing confirmation.

"Do you need any more proof?" he replied cryptically, then suddenly opened his mouth, revealing sharp fangs.

It scared me, sending a chill down my spine as I stared at his eyes and teeth. It was true; he was a vampire, a blood-sucking creature of the night.

"That means the murders in the city..." I trailed off, my mind reeling with the implications.

"Those are not murders. Maybe they are, but blood is our source of food. If we don't drink, we die," he explained calmly.

"Vampires die?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the revelation.

"We are not mythical creatures. We are the same as humans. We have a limited lifespan. We die just like humans. We are just stronger and can use magic, and we drink blood," he clarified, his words sinking in with a mix of fear and fascination.

"You are a murderer?" I asked, my voice trembling with uncertainty.

"I didn't murder anyone," he said sternly, his gaze unwavering.

"Then those murders..." I trailed off, unable to articulate my thoughts.

"Works of other vampires. I am a little stronger than others, so I can use different kinds of magic compared to them. I don't need to murder anyone to satisfy my thirst," he explained calmly, though the weight of his words hung heavily in the air.

My mind was a whirlwind of confusion, countless thoughts and questions clamoring for attention, like a storm raging within me. I felt lost in a labyrinth of uncertainty, unable to grasp the full extent of the situation. Each thought seemed to collide with the next, leaving me disoriented and overwhelmed.

But amidst the chaos, one question burned brighter than the rest, its urgency piercing through the tumultuous whirlwind of my thoughts like a beacon in the darkness.

"Why did you kidnap me?" I finally found the courage to voice the question that had been gnawing at the edges of my consciousness since the moment I first woke up in this strange, unfamiliar place.

As I awaited his response, a heavy silence settled over the room, thick with tension and apprehension. His closed eyes and pained expression spoke volumes, revealing the inner turmoil and conflict he grappled with. It was evident that he struggled to find the words, that the truth behind his actions weighed heavily on his conscience, casting a shadow over the air between us.

"Your pregnancy!"

"What about it?"

"It's my child," he spoke, dropping the bombshell with a gravity that sent shockwaves through my entire being.

I was stunned into silence, my mind reeling with disbelief. How could this be possible? I couldn't remember even kissing him, let alone anything that would lead to pregnancy. The realization sent a surge of panic coursing through me, my thoughts spinning out of control.

How did this happen? Why couldn't I remember anything? Was I losing my mind? The father of my child, the one I had believed to be a miracle, was now the source of my confusion and turmoil. But how? How was it possible for someone to get pregnant without their knowledge?

My head throbbed with the intensity of my confusion, each unanswered question adding to the growing chaos within me.

"Do you remember the time when I walked you to your room?" he asked, his tone solemn.

"Is it the time when I got hit by a vehicle and you walked me to the room?" I replied, trying to recall the memory.

"Yes, but that day you saw my true form. It wasn't the vehicle. It was me. And I had to erase your memories to keep it a secret," he explained, his words sending a chill down my spine.

What? What the hell is he talking about? I struggled to comprehend his words, feeling like my entire world was unraveling before my eyes. Does he erase my memories?

"I had a bit of a situation that night. It got uncontrollable. When I took you to your room, the whole room was filled with your scent. I couldn't control myself. I told you I could control my thirst for blood, but that day I couldn't. I drank blood from you. But the scent of your body, the taste of your blood, it heightened the urge within me. The pleasure on your face overwhelmed me and broke through my rationality. Before I knew it, we were..." 

His voice trailed off, the weight of his confession hanging heavy in the air.

"You were in a daze. You were almost unconscious from the beginning. You don't--"

"Stop!" I yelled, cutting him off abruptly.

No matter how delicately he tried to frame it, there was only one truth staring me in the face.



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