Chapter 44

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Yasira is lying on the bed, tears flowing from her eyes, she hit her stomach. "is not yet time for you to bear, is not yet time for you to bear, my prayers, supplication, stand absent answer; will you not take pity on me?"

She stands up from her bed. "Aabirah is pregnant, and here I stand as a fruitless tree,"

She pace around the room. "Ya Allah, I do not object your will, I but plead for you to take pity upon me, the barren, infertile woman, see me to your grace and bless me with a child, see me and bless me with a male,".


Ayaat, Safwa and Aabriah are in Safwa's living room.

"Pregnancy has been so great on you, it has started showing," Ayaat says to Aabirah with a smile.

Aabirah smile. "I am in my five months, I have four months left,"

"I think your partner has already know that you are pregnant," Safwa says.

"She knows, and you know what, I do not have this fear anymore in my heart or care about what she will do,"

"I just want my brother to know about her, I have started hating he knows nothing of it," Ayaat says.


Yasira is sitting on the bed. "What path you have taken Yasira, your dreams drifting away from your eyes, while you stand idle, will you give in so easily?".

Yasira stands up and starts pacing around. "Do something Yasira! Do something Yasira! or everything you have sought will be gone,".

Sibaal walks in.

Yasira walks to her, tears flowing from her eyes. "Sibaal... I sense the wall would swallow me, I can't fall to sleep at night, when I do terrifying nightmares will visit,".

Sibaal sits her down on the bed, and she also sits. "It must be anxiety and stress,".

"Everything is happening fast and if Aabirah gives birth to a boy, I’m lost, I will be nothing, her son will be Dalaj's heir and she will have everything,".

Sibaal replies. "I am absent word, but you have to tend to your needs,"


"Part mind with troubled thought; I have the medicine that will make you sleep calmly, and deeply. Hopefully, you will soon feel better," Sibaal replies.

"I need it more than anything," Yasira replies.

"You know what I need and that's what brought me here, give me what I owe you," Sibaal says with a demanding voice.

Yasira replies with pleading eyes. "I have nothing, I’m left with nothing,"

"I want what I owe you or I will tell Dalaj everything, right from the moment you seek help from sharifina for your marriage up to what happened happen to his first child with Aabirah," Sibaal threatens.

Yasira kneels in front of Sibaal. "I am begging you sister, spare me, I can't live without Dalaj, I love him so much, he is my life and everything...,"

"Think about it," Sibaal says standing up, and walking out of the room.


Aabirah, Ayaat and Safwa are outside the house.

Aabriah joke. "My husband needs me, he said Nur Hayati, I need you badly,"

Ayaat laugh. "After you give birth, I am going to get married to Fayyad the next month, I can't wait for him to come back,"

Aabirah says. "He wants to finish his services and come settle here, and we will be able to meet almost every day,"

"Isn't that Sibaal?" Safwa asks, looking at Sibaal walking out of Dalaj’s house.

Dalaj drives inside the house, he parks his car among other cars, and he walks out of the car, Sibaal walks to him.

"Dalaj... I want to tell you something,"

"What do you want Sibaal?" Dalaj asks.

Ayaat walks to them.

"I want to tell you the truth about my sister right from when you get married,".

Ayaat stand next to Dalaj. "So finally one of you has the gut to tell him the truth about your witchcraft,"

"Witch... what? What do you mean by that?" Dalaj asks Ayaat.

Safwa and Aabirah are looking at them from afar.


Dalaj walks inside Yasira's room who is anxiously pacing around the room.

Yasira sees him and walks to him. "My love," she hugs him.

"Let me go,".

Yasira disengages the hug and looks at him with a shocking look. "What's wrong, why are you talking to me using such a cold voice, as if I am a stranger,"

"You are a stranger, you have always been a stranger," Dalaj says,  "I have never imagined you will commit... such a.... sin.... witch...?"

Yasira starts crying, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I did everything because of you, I couldn't lose you, I love you so much, Dalaj Aman,".

"Don't blame me. I loved you, but now I don't know if it is me who loves you or your witchcraft. Yasira I promised you, that I'll convince my father. What more did you want; you have to go to a witch. You didn't even stop...,"

Yasira cut him short. "Dalaj... please... stop... don't say more... let's put everything behind us and I will stop,"

"No, you will never stop... I leave so that I don't have to say something I'll regret later,"

Dalaj walks out of the room. Yasira falls to the bed tears flowing down her eyes.

Whoever goes to a fortune-teller and asks him about something and believes him, his prayers will not be accepted for forty days.” Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh. 

The hadeeth of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi sa sallam is clear. “Whoever goes to a fortune-teller, Allah will not accept his prayers for 40 days”.


Dalaj walks inside Aabirah’s room angrily. Aabirah walks to him hugging him. "Is okay, everything will be fine,"

Dalaj closes his eyes hugging her.

They hear a woman shout and they disengage the hug, looking at each other, they rush out and see Yasira on the floor downstairs blood around her, with a woman beside her.

Dalaj runs downstairs scared with Aabirah following behind him.

"Wallahi, she just slip and fall,"

"No... No... Yasira..." Dalaj says carrying her up.

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