Restraining Order

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Chapter forty: "Restraining Order"

Today was the day that I dreaded for a few days now, Cloud was going to Paris and he would be there for one week

It was the next day and we reconciled last night. I watched him put on his best clothes right in front of the mirror while I lay down on my belly on the bed like a lazy fat ass, there was a pillow beneath my torso to prop me up a little to admire his body
Yes I do that

If you have a boyfriend with a drop-dead hot body which girlfriend on earth wouldn't admire such an eye candy?

Back before we weren't even a couple, I take sneaking glances at him while he change clothes which was dangerous since I might get caught but now I shamelessly watch him without a care

Cloud saw me watching him through the reflection of the full body mirror, he smirked before buttoning up his dress shirt "Like something you see?" he asked
The last time he asked me that is when he stretched and I saw his lower abs when he was tutoring me

"Don't mind me, the view here is amazing" I joked before laughing as I watch his ears go red and his hand stopped buttoning his dress shirt
Getting shy about a simple tease, how cute

His eyes suddenly flickered with mischief, he glanced at me through the mirror reflection "I see my dinner on the bed is already ready to be eaten" he wittily answered me

Now I'm the down who went red because of being teased
He's stepping up his game

"I'm not surprised that you're hungry"


He turned his entire body to face me then he leaned his back on the wall next to the mirror "I don't mind if we do it, the driver won't be here for an hour so..."

I put my hand up to stop him immediately "Now, now, that was a joke so I hope we won't do it since anybody would immediately notice"

"I would be gone for a week and until then I would be horny" he joked

I snorted at his remark "Horny? Dude I was away from you for 4 months I'm sure you could last a week without me"

He playfully rolled his eyes at me with a mischievous grin on his face "Yeah I get what you mean but it is different when you've already done it versus when you didn't"
I get what he means but I'm sure he can control himself during his stay in Paris

"Nah, you'll be fine"

I stood up and walked up to his luggage which was still wide open so I knelt down beside it and checked his clothes "Do you have everything you need? Socks? Clothes? Backup boxers?" I glanced at him who chuckled at me

"Who needs a backup boxer?" he said mid-laugh

"You, you need a backup boxer," I said to him with a straight face
Don't ask but Cloud sometimes can be clumsy and accidentally spill drinks on his lap which wets his boxers so backup boxers are essential

He puts on a cheeky look before stepping out of the bedroom to find his phone while he was out I heard a buzzing sound from inside of one of our nightstands so I stood up and opened it to find his phone, I grabbed then opened it to find that someone was messaging him

I searched who was messaging him and it turns out to be Bianca who got his phone number from somebody and she is asking what he is doing right now

She now started to explain that she got a new phone so she could contact him and this is her 3rd time buying a new phone to contact him
Holy fuck! This woman is a psycho!

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