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Chapter seventy-four: "Cold"

I made a mocking face at him "Give birth to them yourself" I flicked the tip of his nose before laying down my back on the bed and grabbing the duvet at the bottom of my foot

"Oh come on Angel" he cuddled me from behind that was already covered with the duvet from foot to shoulder

"Wouldn't it be nice to have mini us running around?" he said as I saw his eyes gleam with happiness

I twisted my body around to face him "It sounds nice and all but I can't imagine having a tiny human come out of my body"
Especially the entire process of giving birth. I did watch the process of giving birth in a video during science class and let me say that I was traumatized

He pouted and sighed before pulling me close to his chest so he could snuggle me between his arms "Let's just enjoy our youth while we can, we're getting older"

"Mhm" I nuzzled myself near his neck and gave it a light kiss to his adam's apple "It felt like only yesterday that we met at the preschool"

Cloud had his fingers playing with my hair "Do you still have any memory of our childhood?"

I shook my head "I only remembered a few"

With my body that was close to him, I felt his chest move when he gave out a small laugh "There was a memory that I just remembered when we were little"

Slowly I raised my head to look up at him with a confused face. His fingertips traced my face with warmth in his eyes "I'm not sure if you remember met Meghan before"

My eyes widened "I DID?!"
Wait, I can't remember anything like meeting Meghan

Remembering childhood is like trying to remember something that you did when you are drunk, everybody remembers but you

"How is that possible?"
Is that even possible? Me meeting his sister before she passed?!

"I forgot to show you but there was this one video I found near her video diary box and yes I was being snoopy back then" he made a thin line with his lips because he admitted to looking at his sister's stuff

"It used to be in her study desk drawer but now it is placed near all of my pictures and albums in the cabin"

I squinted my eyes at him "Are you sure your sister would want that? I don't want to be haunted by her because you took one of her belongings" I cracked a small joke to lighten up his mood

He puts his elbow on the pillow and rested his head sideways on his hand to face me properly and with comfort "I'm sure she would want someone to at least watch and protect one of her video diaries to keep it from rusting in her room"
Yeah maybe he is right

It would be sad knowing that the memories that you made before you passed are only rotting in your room without anyone wanting to know more about you

My hand gently caressed his face and I could see his eyes started to close slowly but surely "I would love to watch the video once we visit the cabin again"
Cloud must be tired from planning everything today. He deserves to have a good rest and in fact, this is the quickest time he fell asleep

Looks like planning a birthday party is more tiring for him than an exam. Soon his eyes fully closed and he scored softly like a baby

"Goodnight Cloud" I whispered then I kissed sleepy Cloud on the lips before I hugged him tightly, I soon doze off


I was awakened by the sunlight coming through the gaps in the curtains and it was only dawn
Gosh darn it, I woke up too early

Weirdly, once I woke up I never fall back asleep again. Unlike before, this became an odd experience for me

Usually, I become sleepy again if I was woken up too early and I even hated the word early because of school
Whatever, gotta use the advantage of being early

I stretched my arms and stood up to stretch my legs before walking to the bathroom to do my hygiene. my first plan of course was to make Cloud and I some breakfast but right after I was done in the bathroom to come back to the bedroom, there I saw Cloud who looks like he was sweating a lot and his face looked slightly red

With quick feet, I hurriedly ran to his side to check his temperature. One hand on his forehead and the other at the neck
Fuck, Cloud caught a cold

Looks like he overexerted himself too much yesterday that his body couldn't handle the stress right after our nonstop week of studying for the exams. My birthday came right after the exam and I could only guess how much time Cloud had a good rest

With Cloud still asleep, I searched for the first aid kit and checked his temperature before putting a cool and damp washcloth on his forehead. He was startled awake by the wet washcloth that touched his forehead

When he tried to sit up, I put a hand on his chest "Lay down, you're sick love"

"I am?" his voice sounded a bit croaky
He must have a sore throat too

I nodded before kissing his cheek "Just take a rest, I'll make you porridge". Cloud was not covered with the duvet so I tucked him in all warm and snug

"Yay, porridge," he said in a sickly voice and with a cute grin while looking like a small sick child even though he was tall

A smile formed on my lips before walking out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get prepare to make the porridge. The penthouse was quiet and I'm sure Liam is still sound asleep in his room so it was the perfect atmosphere for me to cook and Cloud to rest

While being busy stirring the ingredient in a pot, I heard my phone buzz on the kitchen island and I pressed the answer button to the call

"Hey girl! since exam season is over why don't we go to an amusement park?" Cheryl excitedly ask me through the call

"I can't, I have to take care of Cloud"

"What happened?" her tone changed quickly from excitement to worry

"Cloud must have overexerted himself right after the exam for my birthday surprise that he didn't get a good rest"

"Oh, I see, take care of lover boy first. Me and Pau Pau would visit him soon" she said in a concerned voice before hanging up
Well that was quick

I held the ladle and tasted the porridge first if it tasted fine before grabbing a bowl and pouring it in. Cannot forget to bring medicine and water along with the porridge when going back to the bedroom

Since I was bringing a lot I used a tray to easily transport the needs to take care of Cloud. As usual, he couldn't sleep even though he was sick
I hope his insomnia would be cured because it also played a big part in getting him sick like this

"Love I'm back" I sweetly called out to him to break him off from his trance when looking out of the slightly opened curtain revealing the view of the city below

I set down the tray on the nightstand and pulled him to sit up by holding both of his hands then sat at his bedside. His eyes were glued to the porridge as I held the bowl in my hands and took a scoop using a spoon

I blew on it carefully since it was hot and I only wanted it warm enough to ensure his body stayed warm from the cold "Say ah" I said and he opened his mouth

I blew on it carefully since it was hot and I only wanted it warm enough to ensure his body stayed warm from the cold "Say ah" I said and he opened his mouth

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