If Cancer Was A Person

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Chapter forty-two: "If Cancer Was A Person"

Nobody said it was easy to have a lover on a business trip to another country

"Penelope that's your 5th cheese chips snack this afternoon," Cheryl said to me as she entered the room coming back from her shower in the bathroom

I loath myself for eating this much junk food but I don't know anything else that I could do to comfort my lonely ass "I hate this feeling" I complained

Alice and Daisy looked at each other before smiling down at me "How about we can visit Yara? I heard she is just close to Alberta but her assignments are keeping her from visiting" Alice suggested

Yara although hates social interaction and spends her time reading ero-romance, she is still an honor student back in high school

I sat up on my bad and brushed my hair out of my face "I dunno, I don't wanna bother her"

Daisy blew a raspberry "Nah, I'm sure she wants to see us too"

"But aren't you all gonna meet again at the wedding?" Cheryl asked us with a confused face
True, I guess even if we visit Yara now it would be weird

"This morning when I saw Cloud off I met up with Danny who saw me at the airport," I said out loud to them

Everybody went silent and looked at me

Cheryl at least heard about Danny and I know that Alice and Daisy hate her guts

All of them puts on a face full of disgust "That bitch is here?" Daisy scrunched up her nose "Why?"

Cheryl searched through her drawers for clothes and while searching she said "If cancer was a person that would be Danny"

The two in front of me that is seated on Cheryl's bed nodded in agreement with her like Danny was an actual cancer to society
Which she is

After talking to her, the actions she showed me today won't sway my decision in trusting her. She already has a history of being a backstabbing bitch and I get the feeling she won't hesitate in doing it again if she wanted

The atmosphere in the dorm room was now heavy from how their hatred towards here manifested to being a killing intent

"So how is the talk with Will?" I asked Alice who looks a bit pale

She has a bit of a dead expression in her eyes "I don't want to listen to him so I ignored his call"
Kinda harsh treatment to Will, Alice

"My phone kept ringing so I just ignored it, I hate ignoring it but I feel like I'm the more desperate one to fix our relationship"
To be honest, that's how I actually feel when I heard about what happened between them

Daisy gave her a concerned look "But you still love him right?"

Alice gave Daisy the 'really?' Look with one brow raised to match the look "I love him but right now is difficult to say if he even wants this relationship"


Nothing much is going on today so I decided to head to the campus library to study since I just feel like it

When I study it brings a lot of funny memories of last year in my head like it just happened yesterday, Paul decided to join me so we could study, and both the girls decided to tag along since they want to see what the campus library looks like

Chris entered the library and saw us, he raised his arm up high then swayed it left and right like a greeting. He jogged up to our table and he sets down his textbooks beside me. Yes although I want to be nice to him but the thought of Cloud not really pleased that I am still sitting close to Chris is bugging me

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