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Chapter sixty-two: "Why?"

I watch Juliet take a deep breath and closed her eyes, she gripped her father's arm a little before opening her eyes "I'm ready" she softly said as she and her father stood behind us at the back of the line since they would be the last to show

I stood beside Ella in the line before we heard the wedding bells ring as the orchestra played 'Here comes the bride'

The enormous doors opened and we were greeted by the beautiful sunlight that enters the room. The girls in front started walking and we soon followed

At the altar next to the groom was Cloud who was one of Romeo's groomsmen

The bridesmaids and I were holding one flower each while the bride held a bouquet

When it was time for me and Ella to walk down the aisle together, Cloud couldn't take his eyes off of me. He smiled gently when I step up to the other side of the altar with Ella

When it was time for the bride to arrive everybody stood up and there we see Juliet walk down the aisle with her dad who was shedding a few tears. It was a family tradition that when a bride passes by a row of people, the person nearest to the aisle would have to drop a letter of marriage advice or their blessings on the floor for the married couple

Even if you don't like either the bride or the groom, it is still important to follow tradition

So when Juliet passed by the row where Theo and Sophia were located, with Sophia being nearest to the aisle she threw a letter in an envelope with a smile on her face

Ava, being the eldest and the head of the Marshall clan was the last one to drop a letter for marriage advice

Unlike the Ava I could casually talk to, this Ava who I'm seeing right now in the wedding held a stone-cold face
No wonder everybody in the family is scared of her, that cold face could bring the icebergs back from melting

Me and the bridesmaid giggled while the groomsmen chuckled when we see Romeo crying as Juliet was being handed to him by her father

"Take good care of her you hear?" Uncle Dmitry said to him

"Yes sir"

Juliet couldn't take her eyes off her soon-to-be husband and I could almost see hearts form in her eyes

The bells and the orchestra stopped before we heard the priest start talking about the vows. Soon Romeo and Juliet

The professional videographer captured the moment in exchanging of vows and giving of rings. The press kept taking photos from afar behind the red satin line for the family

As soon as Juliet said "I do", Romeo then swooped in for the kiss without letting the priest finish by saying "You may kiss the bride"

All of us were so surprised and caught off guard by what Romeo did, that the cameramen snatched a lot of all of us wide our mouths making forming an O while our eyes are wide


The wedding reception was held inside the ballroom within the manor, the seating arrangement was done by Sophia with the help of others so now I was seated along with my sisters and parents on the circular table

In the middle of the ballroom were people dancing to the music while others started eating served by the famous chefs and the waters bringing the food to the table

We saw a man walking close to our table and it was Jason who was all tidied up unlike the look he had before because he was always haggard due to being a surgeon

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