Cost Me My Spine

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Chapter ninety-seven: "Cost Me My Spine"

Days went by like nothing major happened before, the times we spent during those days were peaceful and quiet which was what Cloud and I wanted after the hectic Christmas we had

I spoke to my parents where we are so they wouldn't get too worried but then again, Aunt Laborè kept telling my Mom and Dad that I'm 18 and that she's sure I'm capable of taking care of myself

Tomorrow will be New Year and we haven't decided if we should go back or not

I was busy laying my back flat on the ground while staring up in the cloudy sky
Yes I was laying on top of snow since I wanna do it

My ears heard snow move on my left side so my eyes darted in that direction, there I saw Cloud walking up to me with a confused look in his eyes "Angel you're gonna get sick"

Without moving a finger, I just glanced at him "Nah I'll be fine" I dismissed his worry for me like this is the typical Cloud who is a worry wart when it comes to my health and safety

He crossed his arms "Angel I'm being serious"

I pouted and blinked my eyelids multiple times while doing the doe eyes
It doesn't have an effect on him

"Booh, you suck" I mumbled them stuck my tongue out at him

"Well, sucks to suck" he replied then pulled me to sit up

I just let him drag me back to the cabin and sat me in front of the fireplace to keep me warm "Cloud I'm not sick or anything, just let me play in the snow"

Cloud squinted his eyes at me "You mean sleep in the snow, you look like you were planning I sleep" he then continued back in making a warm drink for the both of us then suddenly I saw a glimpse of the honey container

My face went red immediately when I remembered that morning
This is bad, I'm inheriting his dirty mind

It was the 3rd day we spent in the cabin together and it was dawn so it means the sun was just rising behind the mountains

While I was busy admiring the view from the living room window, Cloud on the other hand have other plans. He was awake but still in a sleepy state and so do I

He hugged me from behind and things went a bit dirty from there, when we were doing it in the living room Cloud grabbed the honey and well you know the rest

Cloud noticed my red face and followed my eyes to see where I was looking, a sly smirk formed on his lips as soon as he realized I was starting at the honey container "Wanna do it again?"

"Nope, nu-uh. I came 3 times because of you" I glared at him while shaking my head when answering him
I was beyond tired right after we were done and it was only the morning at the time

He shrugged me off "Ok"


Now we were ice skating at the frozen lake, well, more like Cloud was ice skating while my legs are shaking since I have never tried ice skating right after I fell on my face since 1st grade

"Who taught you how to skate?" I asked while he was skating around me like a small tease that I can't catch him

Cloud puts his hands behind his back "Liam's the one who taught me how to skate since I wanted to try it and also so I can look cool"

"In front of other girls?" I raised my brow at him

Cloud grinned at me "To impress you of course but you were busy talking to Jane at the time so my efforts were for nothing" he sighed and put on a fake hurt face
I didn't know he did ice skating to impress me

I giggled "Well this is your time to shine, just help me he-" and... I fell again but this time on my back
This is gonna cost me my spine

Cloud ran over to my aid and helped me get up "Are you hurt?"

"No, well yes but I'm gonna say no because I'm a big girl and big girls don't cry" my voice broke at the end as I try to ignore the pain in my butt
I feel like a high metal hits my butt

Since this is my boyfriend we're talking about here, he noticed immediately that I hurt my backside. Cloud didn't mention it but we stayed in one place until the pain subsided and disappear

"Is it gone?" he asked me and I nodded

We both heard a camera click so our heads turned to see his brothers and my sisters at the side of the frozen lake. Adeline waved at us right after putting on her skates, she skated towards me "See? I told you to practice ice skating with me but you were too lazy"

Liam skated behind Cloud and ruffled his hair "Nice seeing you smiling again"

"WAIT FOR ME!!" all of our attention went to Benjamin who was running towards us but all of a sudden he slip and fell face first on the pile of snow

It was so funny and adorable to see the huge contrast between Benjamin's tiny body and the huge pile of snow

"Oh my Goodness," Natalie said before running to Benjamin's aid with the twins to help each other not slip and fall

Cara came out of nowhere while holding a black snow shovel and proceeded to say "Cloud have you ever heard of a snow shovel? CAUSE I DO BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING BACKYARD IS FILLED WITH FROZEN WATER!!" then stabbed the snow shovel in the snow and started pushing it back to make a proper road

Dustin and Noah helped her because they can sense that even though Caramia has the strength to kill a person, she could not finish shoveling all the snow alone

This left Cloud scratching the back of his head "I didn't invite you guys so don't complain, I'm too lazy to shovel snow as of the moment"

While trying to balance myself, a small snowball hits me from behind. It was Benjamin with a boyish grin on his face "You're it!" he said loudly

Since I can't skate I touched Cloud "You're it" I spoke happily and he grinned at me with a wink before skating after Benjamin who shrieked when he saw his big brother dashing towards him

Benjamin was fast but Cloud was faster, after chasing him around Cloud managed to grab Benji and carry him with one arm "I got him"

"Great let's roast him" Noah joked

Benji's eyes went wide "This is why mommy loves me more than you" he crossed his arms at him and turned his face away. Cloud sets him down carefully so he wouldn't hurt him

Wendy laughed at Noah "Oof, that hurts your ego"

Noah of course was a mature guy so he just put on a mischievous grin "I'm gonna cook you later and serve you to your pet fish" he whisper in front of Benji's face then walked away
Maybe calling Noah mature was too much

Benji tapped my arm "Can I be with you? I don't want to be fish food" he looks up at me with big eyes

I chuckled "Sure, you can"

Benji grinned and gave Cloud a smug face "I'm gonna steal your girlfriend"

"Yes but she will be my wife soon" Cloud replied and I twisted my head quickly at him

"How soon?" I asked

Cloud winked at me "Soon, maybe years into the future?" then blew me an air kiss before playing hockey with Liam

Cloud winked at me "Soon, maybe years into the future?" then blew me an air kiss before playing hockey with Liam

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