Threatening Smile

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Chapter ninety-six: "Threatening Smile"

Theo watched his son and wife have a closer bond than he and Cloud could never have

"It would be nice if you start talking to him" I suggested to Theo while walking behind his back to get myself some snacks

"I don't think he would want to talk to me after what happened"

I took a bite of chocolate candy and sassily rolled my eyes at him making sure he sees it properly "All he wanted was to be close to you but you gave him the opposite" I answered before swallowing the chocolate "If you ask who is the bigger idiot between the both of us as of the moment, all huge red arrows are pointing to you"

There is nothing more that Cloud would want than have a good relationship with his father right after the accident

Theo furrowed his brows then glanced at me "Are you calling me an idiot?"

I nodded "Yes, shitface I'm calling you an idiot"

"Stop calling me shitface"

"Then would you like me to call you motherfucker instead?" I batted my eyelash at him

He thought for a moment and sighed "Shitface sounds better I guess"

I grinned up at him "Good, now if you excuse me I'll have to sit beside Cloud because it looks like he's been wanting my presence" I patted his shoulder and made sure that he sees me wiping my hands with a tissue before going to Cloud


Cloud enjoyed talking to his mother and still have an awkward stare with his father across the room who was busy eating a small snack he got himself at the fridge

Theo hasn't stepped into the living room yet nor does Cloud stepped into the kitchen, there was no barrier between the Living room and the kitchen but these two seemed to have made one that is invisible

Sophia finished talking to Cloud "Theo, why are you sitting over there? Come here" she moved a moving motion with her hand to come closer to her

She scooted a little so Theo could sit beside Cloud with a small gap left between them

I chuckled "Do you guys want drinks?"

"Beer please" Theo and Cloud simultaneously said by accident, they both glanced at each other with awkward stares before clearing their throats

"Sophia do you want something to drink?"

She shook her head and joined me in going to the kitchen leaving the two to talk in the living room on purpose. After I handed the two some beer, Sophia then grabbed my wrist and pulled me outside of the cabin then handed me a coat

"Those two won't talk unless there are no people in the area" she began explaining to me as we sat down in front of the lake that was frozen because of winter

Unlike the two awkward father and son duo in the cabin, me and Sophia felt relaxed outside with the quiet and cold air. While enjoying the view, her eyes landed on my new promise ring with Cloud on my ring finger

"Did you know that while making that ring, Cloud kept making a mistake?"

I raised my brow at her "He did?"

She nodded and held my hand to check out the ring that shined when the moonlight hits it "Cloud kept breaking the rings by accident and sometimes not being contented with every detail he makes"

"How long did he make this ring?"

"I dunno but what I do know is that he didn't wanna stop unless he perfected it in his eyes" she gave out a motherly laugh of joy

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