Family Home

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Chapter fifty-seven: "Family Home"

After spending some time with Ava, me and Cloud left the manor and then continued our journey to whatever place Cloud was planning on taking me

I hopped into the car as Cloud started the engine

"So..." I buckled up then turned to face him right after "Where are we going?"

"Not far from here if you're worried about that" he started driving away from the manor and onto the moist asphalt road with no cars in sight
Due to the chilly weather, all of the things in the area are a bit moist

It was then that I started to notice that he was driving us out of the city and into the near rural area

My phone buzzed from the inside of my pocket so I pulled it out and answered the call without checking the caller ID "Penelope speaking"

"BITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" Yara yelled at me through the phone which startled both me and Cloud

I snorted a little
How I miss this chaotic Yara
"I'm with Cloud right now since he said he's gonna take me somewhere"

"I'm with the rest of the group in the twins' penthouse with food and beer, so you better hurry your ass up slut"
Quite demanding from someone who is giving an invite

My eyes went to look at Cloud and we both gave each other funny looks before I replied to Yara "We'll be there soon but don't wait on us, Alice has a monstrous appetite and I assume she is fighting the urge to eat right now with Will"

Yara laughed "You can say that again" she opened her camera and focused it on Alice who was being held back by Will from taking a bite at the pizza

Nobody can stop Alice from eating especially even if her boyfriend is stopping her

Cloud snatched the phone from my hand "Hey Yara"


"I'll tell you what, you guys can borrow my card for food until me and Angel arrive"
That's a new level of boasting Cloud

I could hear Yara, Alice, Jane, and Daisy squeal in delight "DEAL!!" they all yelled

He chuckled before ending the call and handed me back my phone leaving me speechless

"Are you KIDDING ME?!" I yelled at him which made him jump from his seat and hit the brakes to stop the car abruptly, that made me almost fly forward if it wasn't for Cloud using his arm to catch me

He was profoundly confused that I could almost see the giant question mark floating on top of his head

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Why did you say that? I could've also joined them in eating and using your card!"
If you are gonna brag about your wealth by buying unlimited food, might as well involve your girlfriend too!

Cloud squinted his eyes at me "Angel...I have a separate card for you to use to buy unlimited food so why are you yelling at me for such a dumb reason?"

"Wait what?"

He grabbed his wallet from his pocket and searched for the card before throwing me the gold plated card that landed on my lap "That's your separate card"

I took a closer look at the card "Is this real gold?"
The card was so shiny and slightly heavy when it landed on my lap

"A custom card made for VVIP's a Marshall perk" he winked at my shocked frozen face

"So in short, this is real gold?"

"Bingo!" he chimed happily

My mouth was slightly ajar when I look at the card in surprise
I could end a country's hunger problem with this card

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