Another One Bites The Dust

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Chapter ninety-nine: "Another One Bites The Dust"

Nick told me his made-up plan which was actually pretty good so I agreed to do it, the twins drive me to the manor where the Marshalls are about to start their New Year

"Just crack your knuckles, it'll be fine" Nikki advised me while she looks at me from the rearview mirror since I sat in the backseat and Nick took a shotgun

The twins parked the car in front of the entrance doors and we started to hurry up once all of us entered the manor, quickly I saw Ava walking up to a lion statue in front of one of the Marshall brother's bedrooms and putting a gold coin in front of it
Gosh there might be another Marshall tradition I didn't know about

She did a small hum of approval and pulled the shawl around her shoulders tighter. Her blue eyes saw me at the end of the hallway "Penelope? Aren't you supposed to celebrate New Year with your family?" she asked while walking closer to me

Of course, she noticed the twins too who changed their chaotic attitude right in front of Ava

Ava chuckled "Well, isn't this the trouble-making twins?" she pinched both of their cheeks. Nikki's face became shy while Nick cleared his throat and tried his best not to act embarrassed in front of an old lady

I giggled then shook my head when I remembered what we were here for "Would you like to hold the New Year party at Cloud's penthouse?"

Her eyes darted towards me then smirked
OH MY GOD! now I know who Cloud and his brothers got their mischievous smirk from


It was almost like their lips were just copypasted and only changed to accommodate the features of their face. It never occurred to me that Ava would be the one who was the original signature smirk

She held her head up high and grinned "I don't think you noticed but I knew you three were brewing up some plan when Cloud didn't want to join us for New Year"

Our eyes went wide "How did you know?"
Did she read our minds from far away

She laughed heartily "No dear, I know that you three won't sit idly when it comes to my grandson. Nothing can stop a loving girlfriend and loyal best friends" Ava then whistled before butlers started walking out with different types of food in their hands

"Yay! We're going to Cloud's place" Benjamin loudly said on top of the stairs before dashing down

"Benji don't run down the stairs" Theo scolded while fixing his coat while holding Sophia's purse for her because she was busy fixing her boots

Liam and Noah went out of one of the rooms.
"Thank goodness grandma saw this from a mile away or else we would've been in a hectic mess," Noah said

Oliver and Mason wore matching beanie hats and Sophia squealed in delight when she saw the twins "I knew maroon would look good on you two" then proceeded to kiss both of their cheeks in happiness

They look like they didn't wanna wear the beanies but seeing their Mom so happy makes it ok for them

Me and Theo saw each other, he scratched the back of his head and then pointed at me "Why are you here?"

"Why are you there?" I spoke sassily

"Point taken" he mumbled then shoved the hand pointing to me in his pant pocket

Ava smiled then she noticed something "Where's Dustin?"

"OVER HERE!" he yelled while running out of the corner to reach us

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