Chapter 2 - Club

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Four vodka red bull's in and I'm regretting the two tequila shots Kat made us shot before we left the house. I'd be lying if I said I didn't relish in the buzz the alcohol's giving me though, the warm fuzzy beer coat that has covered all my limbs, blocking any cold from penetrating me, then there is the confidence boost, one to one-hundred real quick on my ego.

Pony by Genuwine is currently blasting through the nightclub, the base sending vibrations through the floor and into every bone of my body. Kat and I belt out the chorus together, "If you're horny, let's do it, ride it, my pony." I'm shamelessly grinding my ass on her and we both giggle before dropping it like it is seriously hot. Like I said, alcohol is the ultimate ego boost.

"Kat, I'm sweating buckets, I need some air." Panting I press the back of my hand against my forehead trying to dab away the sweat.

"No..." she half whines, half moans, the alcohol appears to be doing a number on her too. "We are just getting started." Just as the words leave her lips a sexy blonde places his hands on her hips swaying as she lets loose.

I giggle as I watch he grind harder on the man whose face she is yet to look at, "Girl, I'll go by myself." I whisper yell in her ear, "Besides, you've got company" I give her a mischievous wink as I back away.

Kat squeezes my forearm with a wide smile, "Don't be long."

I push my way through the crowd to the balcony, once I step pass the threshold of the door I am hit with a chilly breeze. It is exactly what I need. I cross my arms and rest them on the rail of the balcony, closing my eyes and tilting my head back, taking a moment to slow the erratic beat of my heart. I feel a presence next to me but don't think anything of it as I kept my eyes closed in my attempt to zen.

"Do you smoke?" The figure asks. His voice is gravelly, and deep... sexy.

I turn to see probably the most gorgeous man I've ever set my eyes on. Chestnut-brown tousled hair, short on the sides, with a few curls on top. Tall is an understatement, the dude is a giant, six-foot-something is certain. Though I'm not actually sure, I'm drunk and I'm short, so in my books he's just tall. A sharp angular jaw with a shadow of stubble, and his cologne has me swooning, I not so subtly take a deep inhale and I swear I see the corner of his lips twitch. The strength it takes to move my eyes from his lips is no small feat, when I meet his gaze, I'm sure my mouth drops open, his eyes are almost a golden yellow, like they've been dipped in honey. I wonder if he tastes like honey?

Stops it Alyssa you horn dog.

I scold my subconscious. I am a horny drunk. Period.

I snap myself out of my internal honey tasting test. I shrug my shoulders at the honey-eyed man and let out a "mmh" whilst plucking the smoke from his fingers. Drawing it to my lips and taking a big inhale. I go in for a second puff when I realise it's fucking weed. Nearly choked to death I start coughing and spluttering all over this gorgeous man.

"I'll take that as a no." he chuckles, clearly amused.

"I didn't realise it was grass" I choke out still patting my chest trying to clear my airway.

"Cuteaccent" He offers before positioning himself so he is facing me instead of the balcony. Australian?" He questions looking down at the mess I am, a cheeky smirk on his lips.

"Is it that strong?"

"I visited Australia a couple of years ago." He shrugs, his eyes still dancing with amusement.

"So, are you hiding out here out of embarrassment?" He smirks, inching closer to my side.

His black collared shirt is tucked into equally as black pants, the top two buttons of the shirt undone revealing the edging of a tattoo.

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