Chapter 35 - Airport

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Alyssa POV:

He looked stunned when I cut him off and broke out into a run. I ran as fast as I could to get away from him. I knew if he wanted to catch me he could, the man could run circles around me so I was relieved when he didn't.

I shoot Kat a text telling her to come and pick me up as I climb the stairs to my dorm room. I unlock the door and find Mera and Luke making out on her bed. I shut my eyes lightening fast and close the door, still holding the handle I muffle an apology for interrupting through the half closed door.

"Come in lyss." Mera calls out and I hesitantly peel the door open ensuring the coast is actually clear.

I feel awkward, and I feel a pang of jealousy, which I scold myself for. Mera deserves a happy relationship and just because mine seems to be on a never ending rollercoaster doesn't mean hers needs to be.

"Sorry, just grabbing my bag."

"Not already?" Mera babbles, she's been sad that I'll be gone for a few weeks, but what she doesn't know which I can't bring myself to tell her is that after everything that's happened I'm not one hundred percent sure I want to come back.

I know it's stupid, I got this scholarship and I've not even completed my first semester here. But everything I am doing here I can do back home. And honestly it is becoming a chore to wake up and find motivation, especially when I know how close James will be to me.

I nod my head at Mera and mumble a yes trying to avoid eye contact because Mera has the gift of reading people and I can't bring myself to discuss the possibility of me not returning.

She stands up leaving Luke on the bed and pulls me into her arms, she whispers quiet enough for only me to hear, "You've been crying." Usually this would threaten more tears but my dam has already broken and my river has run dry, instead she gets a exacerbated sigh. 

"Promise me you'll come back."

She knows.

She would only ask me to promise something if she knew I was on the fence about it and fuck me, this woman just knows me too well.

"Alyssa." She breaks out her mom voice when I don't answer her after a beat.

Luke pipes up, ever the wiseman, "Don't let a sore heart ruin your story."

Mera turns on her heel and eyes the man she was just locking lips with with skepticism. If I hadn't had a previous enlightening conversation with Luke in the library those weeks ago I too would be looking at him like Mera is but I have learnt to decipher his riddles.

"My ink is running dry." I counter and I see the glimmer in his eyes that I solved his riddle and offered one in return.

A smile forms on his face and Mera looks between us not quite understanding our word puzzles, she just shrugs her shoulders and huffs, "You better come back or I will fly there myself and drag you back, okay?" She pulls me in for another hug, this one tighter due to the threat of my undecided return.

I feel my phone buzz and see Kat's here.

"My rides here, take care of her." I flick my eyes between Luke and Mera and he nods in understanding.

Luke offers to take my suitcase downstairs but I decline, I don't want to keep repeating goodbyes. I throw my suitcase in the back seat of the beetle and slide into the passenger seat. Kat senses the heavy aura I am emanating. Thankfully she doesn't ask, instead she turns the radio on low enough so that if I did want to talk about it she would be able to hear me but high enough to fill the silence, and I am grateful.

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