Chapter 3 - Move in

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Going clubbing the night before you're supposed to move into your dorm.... Bad idea. Baddest of all the bad ideas.

I woke up with the biggest headache of my life. I felt like Thor was raging war with his hammer in my head. "Eerrrghh" I let out as I try to sit myself up in bed. Prying my eyes open I eye a glass of water and two Tylenol tablets next to it. Apparently Tylenol is America's version of 'paracetamol', and at this point I don't care what it is as long as it relieves the pounding in my head.

I force my legs to stand and slump my way out the door towards Kat's room. I don't bother knocking, we've seen everything each other has to offer already. I peel back her duvet and climb in next to her. Nudging her with my elbow.

"Noooo" she groans.

"I'm leaving today, why did you do this to me. I cannot even see straight."

"Me!" She accuses. "You're the one who suggested we try every flavour shot they had to offer!" She squeals making my head pound harder.

"Shhhssss! Not so fucking loud, otherwise my heads going to explode all over you! And I'll have you know that was Tisha, my drunk alter ego, she does not make good decisions okay!"

I close my eyes for a second, I swear it was just a second.


*bang bang bang*

Alyssa! You're going to be late!" Max screams through the door.

"Mmmh" what is that? Kat hoarses, her throat probably jaw from all her screaming last night.

"I don't know... oh fuck! Kat wake up!" I vigorously shake her till her blue eyes shoot open in a stare that could kill.

"Dude it's 4 o'clock in the fucking afternoon! I'm so late! I am sooooo late!"

Of course I would be late for the day I have to meet my 'buddy', well I think that is what the clerk from uni said over the phone. They are supposed to show me to my dorm and around the campus and I am supposed to meet them at 4.30pm.

Fuck my life! Alyssa why are you like this!

I'm moving in on a Saturday because apparently that's the only day my 'buddy' could give me the tour. Kat is leaving tomorrow since she already has a dorm and doesn't need to set anything up.

I haul my ass out of Kat's bed and back into my room. I managed to pack everything in fifteen minutes, luckily I didn't unpack anything from my flight, past Alyssa is smart.

"I literally have fifteen minutes to get to campus to meet this buddy of mine Kat, I don't have time to paint your fucking nails!" I scream at her.

She lets out a huff, "selfish bitch" she is pouting when she comes up to me and holds my hands in hers. She pulls me in for a tight squeeze.

"I knew you should've come over earlier, now I'll miss you and I won't get to see you until Christmas break" 

"I'll miss you too you crazy bitch" I coo at her


I wave goodbye to Kat and Max as they drive that hideous yellow beetle away from campus. Kat moaned the whole drive here about how unfair it was that they rejected her transfer, I didn't mind though, could you imagine having her around 24/7 I think I would actually loose my mind. But I do love that crazy chick.

I make my way to the reception desk following the print out Max gave me. This place is so big and I only have five minutes to make it in time.

I walk into the main building according to the map and see a sign saying 'reception.'

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