Chapter 17 - Pavlova

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James POV:

I've been in the gym everyday. It's all I can do to try and take my mind off her. I'm wrapping my knuckles for the second time in one hour, I slip my gloves back on and let loose on the punching bag. Each time my fist connects a rush of adrenaline goes to my heart, the heart she fucking ripped out of me. We'd spent weeks building what we had and she ended it in five minutes.


It's easier to be angry than sad, that's why I'm here, being angry at a stupid boxing bag.

I trusted her


I opened up to her


I was fucking vulnerable with her.


Did I fucking love her?

*punch, punch, punch*

When she tore herself away from me three weeks ago and walked out I knew something wasn't right, but fuck I can't fix what I don't know. She made the decision to leave.

Nationals are in three weeks and I've been putting in the work. Extra trainings with coach, strict diet and no sex. I've had girls flinging themselves at me left, right and center ever since Alyssa stopped being around. But I don't want any of them, I thought I'd be able to get over her, but no one compares, no one. I only want her.


She drives me insane, she's been avoiding me, not coming to our psychology class and I've seen her walking around with that dick Nathan. He's no competition though, and I know that but it still grinds my gears seeing her with another guy. I hit the showers before getting ready for class. She's really doing a number on me and I just can't get my head around it.

Again, Alyssa doesn't show up to our psychology class. I pay no attention to Mrs. Delaney and whatever garbage she's spilling, this class is no fun without Alyssa.

"Right that's all for today, I hope you've all started studying for your exams. Mr. Tristol, can I please see you after class."

I snap my head out of my day dream. Fuck I'm probably about to be scolded for not paying attention. I let most people leave before I make my way down to Mrs. Delaney.

"Ah, Mr. Tristol." She places her hand on my shoulder in her attempt to flirt like she always does.

"I wanted to talk to you about your project you submitted with Miss Steward."

I feel a pang in my chest at her name and clench my jaw to try and focus.

"What about it?"

"Well you both did such a fabulous job on it, really breaking down the nitty gritty of the case, I forwarded it onto a friend of mine at the American Psychological Association and they're going to publish it in one of their newsletters, with your consent of course"

What the fuck?

"Problem is, Miss Steward hasn't been attending class so I've not been able to ask you together, also her absence has been noted multiple times and it's likely going to affect her scholarship. Do you think you could have a chat with her? Check if she's interested in getting your work published and maybe encourage her not to miss any more classes?"

No, I can't see her.

"Um, well.."

"This would look great on both of your resumes, it's a great opportunity and I'd hate for the both of you to waste it" she's moving her hand down onto my chest trying to, I assume, give me some old lady version of *fuck me eyes.*

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