Chapter 11 - Bite me

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James POV:

God she tasted so sweet, the feeling of her coming on my fingers had my cock aching to be buried deep inside her, but I know good things come to those who wait. 

Alyssa gathered herself after her orgasms, straightening her skirt and pulling her shirt back down.

God I want more. But I have to be patient. I don't want to scare her off.

We've actually had a really good afternoon, I'm sure Alyssa would describe it as great but that's just me being cocky. We got a decent amount of work done, Alyssa opened up to me about her dad and I told her about Reece, which is rare, Luke and Daniel are the only two people that really know my history and how fucked my childhood was.

I don't know why I shared it with her, I just trust her and I wanted her to trust me so I broke down a couple walls and showed some her some vulnerability.

Call me a saint already. 

And then of course I had my face buried in her sweet pussy. I eye up the temptress that I still taste in my mouth, she looks flustered and unsure of what to do as she stands re-adjusting her skirt for the third time.

God I really do just want to ruin her innocence.

"Come" I extend my hand to her, she wraps her small hand around mine and I lead her upstairs.

That's enough for one night.

I sit her on the kitchen counter as I did earlier whilst we were cooking and start to wash up our dishes when I catch her jump off the counter. 

"No I'll wash, you made the food" she bumps me with her hip in that cute way she does and I don't complain. I take my turn at sitting on the counter and I enjoy watching Alyssa scrub away at our plates.

"So when did you get your tattoo?" I question her. 

Whilst I had my fingers deep inside her I noticed that she has a small red phrase tattooed on her right butt cheek. It reads "Bite me" which then lead me to bite her ass and she fucking loved it, I can still hear the moan that dripped from her lips.

God I have to stop thinking about her moaning, my dick is getting sore.

She gasps, dropping one of the plates into the sink causing water to splash all over her. She turns around giving me her best disapproving face but that gorgeous blush is plastering her cheeks and I can't help myself, I'm back to imagining my dick in her.

I tease her a bit more with my lust-filled gaze before re-starting the conversation she so desperately wants to avoid. "I was just following instructions down there you know."

She looks mortified and I fucking love it.

"I got it with my cousin when I was shit face drunk okay. I mean that tattoo artist did me dirty, he definitely should not have let me get it." She defends herself, picking up the dropped plate and rinsing the bubbles off it before placing it in the drying rack.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. I think it's hot as fuck."

"Do you have any other tattoos?" I question her, giving her a break from my constant burning desire and I watch her as she makes her way over to me, this time her turn to stand between my legs.

"Mmm hmm" she hums. 

Alyssa has two other tattoos, she has a small fish on the inside of her right ring finger which she says is her reminder of home and a small heart on the back of her left ear.

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