Chapter 15 - The Dragon

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Alyssa POV:

James and I've been hanging out more and more in the last few weeks. After our quality time in the shower. He often checks in to see how I'm feeling about what happened at the party. Apparently Spencer, I discovered his name from James, threatened to press charges against James because he broke two of his ribs and his nose meaning he couldn't play on the football team. In my opinion he got off fucking lightly. 

Luke convinced Spencer not to press charges claiming there were videos of Spencer making the first hit so legally it wouldn't stand. James keeps trying to persuade me along with Kat and Mera to report what he did to me. I want to, I really do, but every time I think about it I just feel sick, and I don't want to have to tell the story over and over and feel everything again. Plus, I don't know what it would do for my scholarship or James' for that matter.

Our psychology assignment is coming along well, we're just making the final touches. Our presentation's on Friday, the day before James state fight.

"So you're going to set the scene, discuss the crimes he committed and so on, and I'll present as him, I'll put myself into character, okay? "

James just look at me like I'm speaking another language, "You're going to put yourself into character as a crazy arsonist?" he cocks his brow at me.

"Mmhmm" I nod sitting myself up on my knees, leaning back against my heels.

He lets out a loud laugh before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "you're some weirdo." His fingers linger on my jaw before hooking behind my neck and pulling me into a kiss. He tastes like his coffee.


"Nooo" James' lips muffle my words. "We have to finish this James." I scold him.

"You're no fun" he huffs nipping at my bottom lip before releasing me.

We spend the next hour working on the final touches before James drops me back to my dorm.

"So you'll be there?" James questions walking me up to my dorm door, he's referring to his fight  on Saturday. He keeps asking me to go but I'm not sure if I'll be a distraction or not.

"Are you sure you want me there? I really don't want to be a distraction" I turn hooking my hands behind his neck as he places his on my hips.

"I'll be distracted if you're not there, thinking about where you are and what you're doing." James has become very protective of me since the incident. It's freaking adorable.

"Okay I'll be there, can I bring Kat?" Kat's down visiting again, secretly I think she misses me because she originally said she wouldn't come down till Christmas but she's been down every few weeks.

"Kat?" James has mixed feelings about Kat, he knows she's as protective of me if not more but that she's also incredibly wild.

"I'll keep her on her best behaviour, I promise." I assure him tipping up on my toes to kiss the corner of his lips. He sighs relenting to me giving me that look he always does when I get my way. I always know how to get what I want from him. His love language is definitely physical touch.



"Kat if you make me late to this I swear I will murder you, and feed your eyeballs to snakes."

"Eww Alyssa, that's so descriptive! And we won't be late we will be on time!"

"Don't fucking on time me Kat, I know what your on time is!"

James and I presented our assignment to the class on Friday and got a good response, the written part of the assignment is still being marked so we don't get the grade for a while yet. Kat and I are on our way to the fight and Saturday traffic is a bitch right now. We left fifteen minutes behind schedule and have a forty minute drive to get to the place James is fighting. His fight is at five past seven and it's ten to seven right now.

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