Chapter 12 - Devil

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James POV:

Alyssa has been ignoring my texts all week. We have psychology together this afternoon and I don't know if I should give her space or tell her I'm sorry.

It's weird, usually I don't care if a girl gets upset and leaves. I don't like to connect. Leaves too much room for disappointment, but this girl, she makes me want her to want me.

I've been in the gym with my coach since six, he's working me hard, drill after drill.

"Get your fucking head out of your ass Tristol." He yells before slapping a boxing pad against my head.

"Ow! Fuck!" I hiss.

"You've got three weeks till your fight. This fight is crucial for nationals! You know this!"

My fight's been moved forward a few weeks due to scheduling conflicts. Coach and I discussed it and we both decided that if I put the work in I would still be able to compete. I talked to Reece about it too, he knows how important it is for me and he said he'd come and watch.

"Fuck, I know, that's why I'm here at six o'clock in the fucking morning!" I yell back, exhausted, physically and mentally. Alyssa is really getting to me. I need a smoke. I don't always use weed as a coping mechanism but sometimes when boxing doesn't relive my stress a joint does. But unfortunately I will be drug tested randomly between now and the fight so I have to abstain.

I hit the showers after another long fucking hour of sweat. Coach is being tough on me but for all the right reasons.

I throw my towel on the ground and get changed. I hear my phone ding and pick it up to see a message from Luke.

Luke: "we still on for tonight?"


The stupid fucking football frat boys are throwing a costume party and I promised Luke I'd go with him.

I'm not in the fucking mood.

James: Do we have to bro? I really can't be fucked.

Luke: Don't you fucking dare, I spent $80 on our costumes!

Luke: You're fucking coming!

I don't bother replying, I know the decision has been made for me.

As expected, Alyssa sat as far away from me as possible. She didn't come to class on Monday I wasn't sure if it was because she was avoiding me or something else. Regardless, she definitely is now. She hasn't even looked in my direction.

"Welcome to Friday" Mrs. Delaney announces, her signature red lipstick smeared on her teeth.

Mrs. Delaney doesn't waste any time. She discusses our assignments and reminds us that our drafts are due next week for proofing. She went over how it's supposed to be presented and said she would be allocating the presentation time slots soon.

"Right everyone you can use the rest of the lesson to work on your assignments. Please get into your groups, I'll wonder around if any of you have questions."

Let's see how this goes...

I pack my stuff up and sling my bag over my shoulder making my way towards Alyssa.

She's still ignoring me.

"Hi?" I somewhat question her, trying to gage if she's still giving me the silent treatment.

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