Chapter 32 - Auditorium

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Alyssa POV:

I take his challenge, I don't know what has gotten into me since moving abroad. There must be something in the air this far north of Australia because what I have in mind right now I would never of done back home.

I grab James' hand and I see a playful smile spread across his face, he loves games just as much as I do. I slink through the halls at a quick pace, the throbbing between my legs urging me on.

During one of our late night pamper sessions, Mera had informed me of 'the'  perfect spot on school grounds for a hookup, at the time I didn't think much of it because I never thought I would be that girl, you know the one that is such a whore she cant keep it in her pants long enough to wait for a bedroom... or even a bathroom, a lounge, any room that is within the four walls of a house and not the the four walls of the drama department. I mean I haven't done anything like this apart from the one time in the bus stop which we don't talk about because I am mortified that I was that drunk. 

James looks confused as to how I know this place considering I am the worst actress known to mankind. I would rather drink rat poison than subject myself to the humiliation I faced when I was ten years old and my mother forced me to perform in the school play. I stood frozen with hundreds of eyes on me, I could feel the burn of the blush on my cheeks, my mouth was open but nothing was coming out, that was until I could feel the burn of my previously eaten chicken soup making it's way back up my throat, I projectile vomited on the entire first row of the audience. I was call chicken chunda for the remaining school year, chunda is an Australian term for vomit and needless to say that was my last time in the spotlight.

I pull James up onto the stage and I can feel him giving some resistance now.

"Where are we going?" He is still following my lead but has slowed his pace.

"Trust me." I encourage him, this is the only place I could think of that would offer some privacy for the slew of dirty images parading through my mind right now of, all the things I want to do to James.

Mera said there is a fake panel in one of the side walls. At the bottom is a hole and you pull and it reveals a ladder that you can climb up. At the top is where people control the stage lights, but there is a platform off to the side that is mostly covered by the black and red curtains. I find the wall Mera described and I give it a soft kick for good measure and it loosens, I find the hole and pull on it revealing the ladder. James' mischievous look has returned and I'll be dammed if this mother fucker still gives me the biggest butterflies in my stomach.

James gives the ladder a shack in some form of male way of deciding if it is safe enough or not based on a shake. He gives a nod in my direction and I put my life in the hands of his shake test and climb up the ladder, I take extra care in swaying my hips knowing full well he is checking my ass out, I hear him groan softly and I smile at my success.

I reach the platform and am surprised firstly at how high up we actually are and secondly how Mera came to find this place and now I am wondering how many people have fucked up here.


But beggars cant be choosers and I am on the verge of begging James to do a hundred different things to me.

It takes half a second for me to pounce on him once I see his two feet flat on the platform, I wrap my legs around his waist and basically smother him with my lips, he tastes so good, like coffee. He has one hand under my ass to support me and one around my neck holding me against him as our mouths devourer each other. His tongue is circling mine, before he gently bites down on my bottom lip and pulls away.

"You do things to me Alyssa."

"hmm, I do, what things?" I tease, hooking my hands behind his neck and leaning back a bit to get a good look at his lust-filled eyes.

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