Chapter 2

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*Chase’s POV*

“It’s for you Charlotte.” My mom says and then walks back out of the living room.

She looks just as confused as I feel. Who would come to my house looking for her?

She stands slowly and I follow her to the door. She opens it and then a shocked expression comes onto her face.

“Brian?” She asks, appalled.

“Did you really think you could run away from me? There is a thing called GPS honey.” He says cockily.

I don’t like this guy.

Neither do I.

Charlotte starts falling backwards and I catch her in my arms before she touches the ground.

This idiot just made my Charlotte faint. I really want to rip his head clean off his shoulders right now, but I’m going to hold myself together for my mate, even if she can’t see.

“Who are you?” I growl.

“Brian, her boyfriend, now give her to me.” He roughly reaches out trying to grab her arm but I pull her into my chest so he can’t get to her.

“SAM!” I yell in my mind. I hear him get up and run to the front door.

“Take Charlotte.” I growl, still trying not to change. I know my eyes are more than likely pure black right now.

I step towards Brian and he takes an equal step backwards.

“Let’s take this talk outside.” I say, closing the door behind me.

I walk cautiously into my front yard, straining every muscle in my body to keep me from tearing this guy to shreds.

“If you are Charlotte’s boyfriend then why did she faint when she saw you?” I ask, holding onto my last string of sanity.

“Eh, well we’ve been dating for a while and she just faints with joy from seeing me.” He lies, not very well.

I take two swift steps towards him and grab him by the neck. “Don’t lie.” I spat at him.

“As much as I want him to die, I don’t want you to go to jail for killing him.” Charlotte’s fruity scent hits my nose, calming me down a smidge.

I move my gaze to her and then let the foolish guy go. As much as I want to kill him, I don’t want to hurt her.

“Leave and if you ever come back, I swear I will tear you to pieces.” I growl as he runs back to his car.

“Can I please explain that?” Charlotte asks, clutching onto the railing for support.

I scramble over to her and pull her into my arms. “Yeah, but not here.” I say into her hair. I reluctantly unwrap my arms from around her waist and then turn around. “Hop on.”

She climbs onto my back, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. Little sparks fly between our bodies. Wow, it feels so right for her to be here, in my arms.

I walk about five minutes into the woods until I spot the clearing that I wanted to go to. I walk into the low grass and set Charlotte down somewhere in the middle of it.

I sit down on the soft grass and wait patiently for Charlotte to explain, even though my wolf is demanding to know who that guy was and what he was doing here.

Charlotte sits next to me and leans her head against my shoulder. I wrap my arm around her waist and she sighs.

“Promise you won’t freak out when I tell you this.” She whispers.

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