Chapter 10

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*Charlotte’s POV*

Chase leads me over to the stack of wood and makes me sit down on a log. He goes into the tent, dropping the bags and grabbing something – probably a lighter or matches – out of one of the bags.

“Heads up!” Chase throws something at me, and it hits me in the face.

“Chase, really?”  I ask, looking at him with a scowl on my face.

He flashes me a perfect smile, and I look down at my lap, blushing.

I see a packet of marshmallows in my lap. NO WAY!

Chase plops next to me on the log, smiling at me.

I throw my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me. “Hey there.” He looks down at me, smiling and tugging me up into his lap.

“Hi.” I mumble into his solid chest.

His warms, strong arms wrapped around me, feel like the best thing in the world. I melt into his arms, feeling completely safe.

“Let’s make some smores.” Chases’ arms loosen around my waist, and I sit back on the log. He lights the wood on fire and then goes back into the tent to get the other stuff to make the smores. 

I put the marshmallow on the end of the metal marshmallow thing. I don’t know what it’s called. I lightly toast the marshmallow and then put it in between some chocolate and graham crackers.

I take my first bite, with Chase watching me closely, still toasting – well burning – his marshmallow.

The different flavors burst on my tongue, making me almost moan, because this is the best thing I have ever ate. I shove the rest of the smore in my mouth, taking in all the flavors.

“I saw that you liked it, so I made you another one.” He smiles, holding out a smore in this large hand. I take it and then grab his hand, entwining our fingers together. I slowly eat this one, while laying my head on Chase’s bulky, comfortable arm.

Chase rubs his thumb over mine, caressing my hand. I give his hand a gently squeeze, trying to show him that I care about him. He kisses my forehead, lips lingering for a moment. My face heats up and a blush comes to my cheeks.

“You ready for some real food now?” He asks, handing me a sandwich of some kind. “It’s turkey, I wouldn’t make anything that I know you wouldn’t like.” He pecks my cheek, and I swear that my cheeks are now redder than anything in the world. He is so sweet to me, and I just can’t get enough.

It starts to get dark, after we are done eating. We did get up kind of late. Chase goes back into the tent one more time, but he zips up the tent behind him.

“What are you doing?”

“Changing, and getting you something.”

“What are you getting?”

“You’ll see.” I can tell that he is smiling, even though I can’t see him.

“Stop smiling you meany pants.”

He unzips the tent, walking towards me only wearing a pair of long pajama pants. He is holding something behind his back. He stops just out of arm reach of me. I stand, stepping towards him. He wraps his arms around me, and then he takes my cardigan off. “Chase, what are you doing?” He drops my cardigan on the ground, but then he pulls one of his many sweatshirts over my head.

I put my arms around his waist, pulling him flush against me. He rests his head on my shoulder, breathing lightly onto my neck. His one hand leaves my back, and he pulls all of my hair to the side away from his face. He places a kiss on my neck, making me laugh, because it tickles. He lets out a breathy laugh, and all of his hot breath tickles my neck again.

The TracksNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ