Chapter 7

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*Charlotte’s POV*

I grab another tissue, wipe my eyes, blow my nose and throw it in the vicinity of the garbage can.

“Charlotte this is getting absolutely ridiculous.” Rachael says, coming into the guest room and giving me a warm cup of tea. “It has been over two months, and you are still crying and upset about it, when in fact you were the one that said no, not him.”

“Rachael, I was scared okay? I miss him so much. I miss being with him, cuddling with him, him trying to get me to eat more, helping me, caring about me, and I miss everything about him.” I say in between sips of my tea.

“Then let’s go see him.” She tries to pull me up by my arm, but I yank it back down.

“No! I can’t do that. He probably hates me and I said no and-”

“Okay, okay, just shut up.” She says, covering my mouth. “Go get a shower and put the clothes on that I leave out for you.” She demands, pulling me up and walking me to the bathroom. She turns the light on, backs out of the room and then closes the door all before I can get a word in.

After my shower, I do feel a little bit better. I brush my hair and squeeze the ends so that the access water comes out. I pick up the black skinny jeans on the bed, staring at them. I so want to wear something comfy, like sweatpants, but I guess I should wear the jeans, to make Rachael happy.

I pull the jeans on and then put my favorite belt through all the loops. I put on some deodorant, pull on a cami and put on the comfy grey sweater. I slip on a pair on knee high black boots over my sock covered feet and proceed to look in the mirror.

I think this is as good as it’s gonna get.

I walk down the stairs to find Sam and Rachael all cuddled up on the couch. I wish I could do that with someone – not someone – Chase. I miss him so much that it’s unreal.

“Come on Charlotte, quit day dreaming.” Rachael says, pulling at my arm with a giddy smile on her face.

“Where are we going and why couldn’t I wear sweats?” I ask, climbing into the back of Sam’s huge SUV.

“It’s a surprise.” Sam says, backing out of the drive.

I close my eyes, trying to enjoy the ride to wherever we are going.

My door gets opened and my head snaps to the person.


Emotions all hit me at the same time, like a car crash but worse. My eyes roll to the back of my head as I pass out.

*Chase’s POV*

I hear Sam’s car pull up and I jump out of my seat, running towards the door. I take deep breath as I walk over to the side of the car she always sits on. I open the door, and her head instantly goes to mine.

Emotions flicker across her face faster that I can recognize them, and then she falls backwards onto the seat. Why did she have to faint right now?

I duck into the car, wrapping my arms around her and lift her out of the car. I walk up the steps and kick the door as my form of knocking.

Allen opens the door moments later and steps back. I walk through the living room and up the stairs towards her old room. In the past two months I have spent a lot of time in here. With the help of my mom, I made the curtains, matching pillow cases, got her a new comforter and sheets, put the rugs and towels in the bathroom, painted the walls and added a few touches of my own.

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