Chapter 6

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*Charlotte’s POV*

The soft green grass fells so good under my bare feet. I run across the short distance between Chase and I, but then get stopped like I walked into a wall. I pound on the wall separating us.

Audrey comes and hangs on Chase’s arm. He leans down and kisses her full on the mouth. I feel my heart explode inside my chest – shattering to pieces.

How could he do this to me?                                               

How could I have thought I like him?

How could I think he would ever like me?

He was probably just messing around with me until someone better, prettier and skinnier came along.

“Charlotte. Charlotte! Wake up.” Someone yells.

My eyes snap open and focus on the plain white ceiling. I feel the cold sweat trickle down my forehead.

“Charlotte, are you okay?” The same person asks, concern flowing freely through their voice.

My head shifts so I can see who is talking to me. Chase. “Um, yeah. Just a really freaky dream, I guess.” I say, scared to tell him about it.

“Why don’t we go get something to eat and maybe you will feel better.” Chase suggests, getting up off the bed. I follow him down to the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. Chase gets me a glass of milk while I get the peanut butter and jelly out.

I put everything together and then sit beside Chase, who is eating cereal.

"What was all the screaming about this morning?" Allan asks, looking between Chase and me.

"Drop it." Chase says in a deadly tone.

"Okay." He says, holding his hands up in a defensive manner. He stands, putting his dirty dishes away and leaving the room.

"You didn't have to be so mean to him." I turn my head to look at him just in time to see the nervous look on his face before it disappears.

"He needed to be put in his place."

"Whatever." I continue eating, but no matter what I do, I can't shake the memory of the dream from my head. It keeps replaying - torturing me - not stopping and there is nothing I can do about it.

"Do you want to do anything today?" Chase asks while putting our dirty dishes away.

"I was thinking about doing something with my room."

"What do you want change in it?" He asks, sitting back beside me at the table.

"Well, it needs a couple things. If you come up, I'll show you what I want to do." I say, standing. He nods, following me up to my room.

 “I want to make some new curtains, paint the walls, get some decorative stuff - like rugs and other stuff - and maybe some picture frames.” I say, motioning around the room where I want things to be.

“Then why don’t we go to the mall and get you what you want.”

“I’ll grab my wallet and then we can get going.” I start walking around the room, looking for my purse so that I can get my wallet.

“Don’t worry about it. I think I know an amazing guy that would gladly pay for whatever you need.” He smirks, turning around to walk out the door.

“I wonder who that is…” I say, pretending to think.

Chase stops dead in his tracks, turning to face me slowly. “Did you really just say that?” He asks with a deadly smirk in his face.

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