Chapter 3

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CHAPTER 3                  

*Charlotte’s POV*

My dog is really warm this morning. I snuggle more into Benny and then realize that what I am snuggling into is a lot bigger than my dog.

I lift my head off of the person’s chest and look up at their face. Chase’s long, dark brown hair is all messy, making him look even more attractive. He has a light stubble across his jaw, causing a shadow to form.

I try to move away from him but his muscular arms keep me trapped. I give up, slumping back into him and eventually falling back to sleep.

“You two are just too much.” A person with a high pitched voice says.

“Go away, Rachael.” Chase says, pulling me closer to his warm body.

“Breakfast is ready.” She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her and leaving us alone again.

“Can I ask you a question?” Chase asks, sounding nervous.

“You already did but, sure.” I answer trying to lighten him up a bit.

“Why don’t you eat a lot?”

“Oh, well last night I wasn’t really hungry and I was never really allowed to eat that much.” I answer, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

Chase’s arms tighten around me and I feel the insecurity leave me instantly. “Are you sure you are okay and nothing is wrong? Because, trust me, I would go and kick whoever’s butt it is that is bothering you.”

I sigh into his chest. “Chase, I’m sure. I just - I don’t know - the stuff that has happened to me has left me with mental scars. You can’t see them but are surly there and they hurt a lot.”

“Then let me take some of the pain away.”

“How could you possibly do that?”

“When you are ready to talk about it, talk to me. I know that it will make you feel better and plus, like you said, you can trust me with your life. I won’t fail you, ever, and that is a promise.”

Thank God he couldn’t see my face because my cheeks start burning bright red. “That’s really sweet.” I mumble.

“Okay, I’ll stop making you blush. Now, let’s go get some food because this man, is starved.” He says, laughing at me.

His arms relax around me, leaving me enough room to squeeze out and make a dash downstairs.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Chase yells, jumping up and charging after me.

I know that I am going to get caught but I at least hope to make it to the kitchen. I see the kitchen door five feet in front of me as two warm, rugged arms wrap around my waist and pull me back into an exceptionally solid chest.

“Did you really think you could get away from me?” He whispers, his breath caressing the side of my neck.

“I don’t know.” I say, smiling while holding back my laughter.

“Fine you can go eat and I won’t torture you anymore.” He laughs, releasing me from his iron tight grip.

I walk into the kitchen and my mouth drops open at how much food there is.

“Yeah, all the boys eat like starved animals but you get used to it.” Rachael says, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

“That’s just crazy.” I mutter, shocked.

Chase grabs a plate and loads it with six waffles and then drowns them in syrup. A grabs another plate, placing two waffles on that one and then lightly drizzles some syrup on them.

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