Chapter 14

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*Warning* This is not edited.


*Charlotte’s POV*

“Hey, babe. How’s it going?”

I look up from my sewing machine, breaking my concentration.

“Um, I almost have the slip done. Then I have to make the tool skirt, the layer that goes over everything, and attach the flowers.”

“Well, that’s good, I think.”

“It is. The slip takes the longest to make.”

“It can’t be that hard to make a dress, can it?”

“Do you want to try and make it?”

“Do you want me to ruin your sewing machine, fabric, and whatever else you use?”

“Okay, there is no way that you are making anything.”

“Hey, Char. How’s it going?” Rachael and Sam walk into my room. Now, it’s starting to feel crowded with four people, all my materials, fabric, and manikin all scattered across my room.

“What exploded in here?” Sam asks, surveying the room.

“This is actually pretty clean, for Charlotte that is.” Rachael smiles at me, and I can just tell how grateful she is that I am making her dress.

“So what it this? Let’s all go visit Charlotte in her room and distract her day?”

“Oh, shut it. You know that you love every single one of us to bits.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. But maybe that’s my problem. I’m too nice to you people, and maybe if I am meaner you will leave me alone.”

“Please don’t. I don’t like it when you go all scary.” Rachael shows me a puppy dog face that I can’t say no to.

“There is something wrong with you. Mean Charlotte is amazing.”

“I bet she’s not.” Chase adds. I almost forgot that he was here, whoops.

“She is, now hush.”

“You love us too much to be mean to us.”

“It’s too bad that you know that already. I could’ve used that against you.”

“You wouldn’t do that to us.” Sam says, just pushing the thought aside.

“Never under-estimate the evil brain that resides inside Charlotte’s cranium or else.” Rachael warns sternly.

“Charlotte can’t be that bad. She is just too much of a sweetheart.” Chase says, giving me a kiss on my forehead.

“You’ve only known her for what? Almost a year? I’ve known her for three years, and the things that she did at work were hilariously evil. I don’t know how you didn’t get fired from that job.”

“Well, no one ever knew it was me, besides you, and I was ‘dating’ the boss’s son, so he would never fire me.”

“He was a creep. I never liked him.”

“Me either. He was just so disgusting.”

“Do you remember the time that you had to stay at me house for a week, because he camped out in front of your apartment building, waiting for you to come home?”

“That was definitely the creepiest thing I have ever encountered.”

“I swear he was mental.”

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