Chapter 8

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*Charlotte’s POV*

“Good morning beautiful.” Chase says, coming into my room, bearing food.

“Food.” I groan, looking directly at it.

Chase laughs, shaking his head at me. He continues towards me, giving me the plate of pancakes. He sits next to me and then pulls me over his one leg so that I am sitting in between his legs, leaning back on his chest.

“Thanks for the food.” I say, in the middle of stuffing my face with it.

“That was cute babe.” He says, smiling and then kissing the side of my face.

It has been a couple days since Chase told me what he was. I have let it all sink in now, and I’m okay with it. Actually, living in a house with a bunch of werewolves makes me feel safer. Not to mention that one of them was made for me.

“What are you all smiley about?” Chase asks, taking the empty plate from my hands, putting it on the bed side table.

“You.” I say, tilting my head back and looking into his eyes. He kisses my forehead softly, but then there is a knock on the door. Chase breathes out heavily in annoyance. “It’s okay.” I whisper to him, smiling up at his grumpy face. A small smile breaks out on his face, and he tells whoever it is to come in.

Brittany walks in closely followed by Drake, who has a worried expression on his face.

Chase’s arms tighten around my stomach, and I can tell that he is close to snapping.

“Brittany, what are you doing here?” I ask, trying to make my voice sound normal, but inside I am freaking out.

“I just wanted to visit my baby sister and say hello to her extremely sexy boy-toy.” She says, sitting down on the foot of the bed, smiling at Chase.

“You never cared before, so why do you care now?!” I ask, getting mad that she is coming here and hitting on Chase.

“I have always cared, Charlie.”

“You care but you don’t even know my name?! You are a stupid disgrace of a sister!” I yell, ripping out of Chase’s arms, pushing Brittany on the ground and running out of the room.

*Chase’s POV*

Charlotte storms out of the room, leaving me, Brittany and Drake. “I’ll go check on her.” He says and then hurries out of the room after her.

“Brittany, if you couldn’t tell, your sister doesn’t really like you. You are with too many guys and it makes the people around you feel awkward. You need to never come here again, because as you can tell, no one really likes you here.” I say. While I am speaking, she gradually takes too many steps towards me.

She puts her hand on top of my shoulders. I squirm and quickly take her hands off of me. Even her touching me just feels wrong.

The next thing I know, her lips are on mine, and before I can move away, she gets ripped off of me. Charlotte is standing there – holding onto Brittany’s too-tight shirt – preventing her from leaving.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand in disgust. The ONLY lips that should ever be touching mine are Charlotte’s, and that is final.

My mate looks back at me with a look of understanding on her face. When she isn’t looking, Brittany slips out of her grip and starts running for her life.

Charlotte runs after her with a look of pure rage in her eyes. I follow her, just to make sure that she doesn’t get hurt. I couldn’t care less about her sister.

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