Chapter 15

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*Charlotte’s POV*

I feel a jolt in my stomach. Oh no, not this again. I rush to the bathroom, and barely get to the toilet, before upchucking into it. This is the third day in a row that I have woken up and had to puke.

I hear Chase run in behind me as I throw up again.

“Hey baby, I’m here.” He rubs my back and holds my hair out of my face, as I continue to throw up.

“Are you all done?” He asks, putting my hair into a messy bun for me.

I nod my head and lean back into him. I absolutely hate throwing up. I think it is so gross and it hurts my throat so bad.

“Where are you guys?” Rachael asks, opening our door and letting herself in.

“In the bathroom.” Chase answers, wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Again?” She appears in the doorway, her face contorted into disbelief.

“I’m fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” I stand up, rinse my mouth out and walk out of the bathroom. I grab Rachael’s hand on my way past her, pulling her with me. I make my way down to the kitchen to talk to Chase’s mom and Rachael.

“Hey girls, how are you doing this morning?”

“Um, can you help me narrow out some things?”

“Sure, sweetheart, what’s up?” She sits opposite Rachael and I at the table.

“I’ve been throwing up the last few mornings and I was just wondering if you think it is anything serious.”

“Well, when was your last period?” 

“I actually don’t remember.” I look down at my hands that are fidgeting on the table, to avoid their looks of shock.

“Let’s go to the store right now.” She says standing up. “HONEY, COME TO THE KITCHEN!” She yells, putting on her coat.

“Yes, darling what do you need?”

“Don’t burn anything, we have to go to the store.”

We all walk out to Mrs. Brooks’ car, leaving Mr. Brooks to finish making breakfast, after getting our coats and shoes on.

“Ah, here we are.” She says, directing us to the pharmacy isles.

I am so scared. I can’t be pregnant, can I? I mean I don’t remember when my last period was, and I’ve been throwing up but that doesn’t mean that I’m pregnant, does it?

We buy the pregnancy kit and then drive back home.

“Just follow the directions and come out when you are done.”

I follow the directions on the box, walk out of Mrs. Brooks’ bathroom and join the other two.

“And now we wait.” I say, sitting on the bed beside them.

I can’t be pregnant. But what it I am, what will Chase think? Ugh, he will hate me. I bet he doesn’t even want to have kids until after he is married.

“It’s time to check it.” Mrs. Brooks says.

We all head into the bathroom and look at the thing. ‘Pregnant’.

How can I be pregnant?? Why did this happen to me? Chase is so going to hate me now.

“Honey, he isn’t going to hate you, so don’t even think that. Just wait a few hours for it to sink in and then tell him. He will understand, and he has always wanted to have kids.”

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