Chapter 9

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*Charlotte’s POV*


“What do you mean no?”

“No Chase, you are not trying on one of my dresses.”

“Why not? You know it would be fun.” He pleads, sticking out his bottom lip and pouting.

“No Chase. You know that face doesn’t work on me. Now let me go back to sleep.” I say, pushing him off of me and pulling the comforter back up to my neck.

“Good morning beautiful.”

My eyes flutter open. My neck feels stiff. My throat feels dry.

“Come on babe, wake up.” He shakes me, making my move side to side.

“Good morning dumbo.” I reply, smiling and stretching in the process.

“Whoa, what did I do?” Suddenly Chase’s face is right in front of mine, and he is holding his whole body above mine, trapping me in.

“I don’t know, Mr. I-wanna-wear-one-of-your-dresses-at-3-AM.”

Chase’s face drops, and his arms almost give out, but he catches himself at the last moment.

“I did what?”

“You were begging me to let you try on one of my dresses – puppy dog face and all.”

“I would never do that.” His cheeks start getting a tinge of color, and I can tell that he is embarrassed.

“Chase, I won’t tell anyone, no matter how stupidly funny it was.”

“Thank God, because that is so embarrassing, and I used to do that sort of thing when I was little – the talking in my sleep thing – but I never thought it would get this bad and –”

“Chase, stop, you are rambling.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry.” He says with a devilish glint in his eye.

“Why are you so –” Chase’s body slams down on mine, sending me into a fit of giggles.

“Why am I so what?” He asks after he props back up on his elbows.

“Adorable. Why are you so adorable?” I ask through all of the laughter.

“I am not adorable.” He puts on his fake serious face, and I decide to play along.

“Then what are you?”

“Sexy, attractive, kissable anything but adorable and cute.”

“Chase, stop. Breakfast downstairs now.” Sam basically just challenged Chase, and knowing Chase he isn’t going to turn down a fight.

Chase clambers off of me and out of the bed, now facing Sam. Sam throws the first punch right at Chases’ face but Chase catches it in his hand and says some fancy one liner like ‘Not today son.’

I stand from the bed, leaving the room before the fighting gets bad, and I end up being the one that gets hurt. As I enter the kitchen, Chase’s mom asks me where her two sons are.

“They are upstairs, fighting, like the two big idiots they are.” I grab a plate, loading it up with a ton of bacon and some eggs.

“Oh my. Those two are just something else.” She mutters, shaking her head disapprovingly at her sons.

I laugh silently while walking to my seat and sitting down. I start eating my hearty breakfast, and then Chase sits down next to me with a triumphant smile on his face. If he thinks he is getting off easy for this one, he is wrong. He slides his hand around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. I stiffen up in his arms and pull away, going back to eating my food.

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