Chapter 11

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*Charlotte’s POV*

Chase pulls the truck into the familiar driveway and then shifts it into park, turning the car off.

I sit there, staring straight forward, scared to death of how everyone is going to react to Chase and me finally dating.

Chase suddenly appears by my side, wrapping me up in his strong arms. "It'll be okay. I promise." He smiles down at me reassuringly as a tear runs down my cheek.

He reaches up, brushing away the lone tear, before kissing my cheek and ushering me out of the truck.

I pause at the front door, my hand inches away from the doorknob. What if they all think I am using him or something? What if none of them like me now?

Chase laces our fingers together, giving me the strength to deal with whatever the outcome is. I grab the doorknob, swing the door open and enter the all-too-familiar house.

I lead Chase into the living room, where I know everyone will be waiting for us.

Every single person's eyes are on us, flickering back and forth from Chase's smiling face and my worried one to our entwined fingers.

"Well it's about time." Chase's mother says.

Rachael snaps out of her trance and sprints towards me. If Chase wasn't there to hold me up, I surely would have ended up flat on my butt.

"I knew your date would be perfect." She whispers so only I can hear.

A small smile breaks out on my face. I look up at Chase, his green eyes connecting with my grey ones. He leaves a long kiss on my cheek. Well it felt long with everyone staring at us.

You would have thought that we would have been getting married, because as soon as Chase's lips leave my flushed cheek, everyone starts standing up to hug us and congratulate us.

"Come with me dear."

I follow Chase's mom down a flight of stairs and into the laundry room. "Sit." She orders, pointing to a wooden stool.

"I am so glad that you came into our lives. It has made everyone happier that Chase has finally found his mate and is now complete. I want you to know that just because I am Chase's mother, doesn't mean that you can't come to me with any problem that you have. Just think of me as the mother you always wanted."

Happy tears start pouring from my eyes for the second time today. "Thank you so much."

*Chase's POV*

I smell tears. Where is Charlotte?

I look around the room full of happy people, but do not see my mate anywhere. I sniff, following her scent to the door that leads to the basement.

What is she doing down there?

I slam open the door, rush down the steps - leaping down the last few - only to see my mother and Charlotte, hugging.

"I knew you would come as soon as she started crying."

"What did you say to her?"

"No Chase. These are happy tears. Don't you remember when this happened before?"

"Oh my God. Girls are so flipping confusing." I bury my head in my hands, but Charlotte only takes them away seconds later.

She holds my hands in hers, making my hands feel huge. I step forward so that our foreheads are touching. She gets up on her tip-toes and pecks my lips. I smile and then press my lips to hers once more.

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