Chapter 14

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Patience's pov
I was so excited to go home,I really did miss we landed the ship in Zion I immediately grabbed my bags,mom and dad looked at me confused as I ran out of the ship.i looked around for Kid,"Patience!"I heard him say.i saw him wave his arms in the air,"Kid!"i said.i ran towards him,I dropped my bags and hugged him tightly.he gently kissed the top of my head,"I missed you so much Patience."he said.i grinned,"I missed you too Kid."i said.i poked his nose and picked up my bags,"come on,we got some"catching up"to do."i said.he grinned and held my hand as we walked to the elevator,as we took the elevator I couldn't contain myself anymore.

I immediately kissed Kid on the lips,he kissed me back.i had my hands on his head while he had his hands on my hips,we stopped to breath.i once again picked up my bags,we exited the elevator and went to my home."my parents will probably be busy helping people..."I said,placing my bags in my room."Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"he asked,I chuckled."oh yeah,I definitely am."I said,we both grinned as we kissed.we walked to my room and closed the door,as we began to kiss again we both fell on my bed."god I missed you Patience."he said,slipping his hands under my sweater."I missed you too Kid,I missed you so much."i said,I couldn't help but to get lost in his hazel eyes.

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