Chapter 26

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Patience's pov
"Alright Morpheus,your mission is simple:go find my father,convince him to take the red pill,and bring him home:got it?"

"Yes captain Patience."

Our first attempt at getting my dad back,why did I think that it would go well?at least we found him,but that only gave us more problems.I watched as Morpheus talked to my dad,who's memory was gone.a tear ran down my cheek as I watched my dad deny what was happening,"captain?"Lexy said.I looked away from the screen,"captain something is happening!"Sequioa said.I quickly wiped my tear and turned around,I saw a shootout was happening in a building Morpheus and my dad were in.I widened my eyes,"Morpheus get him out of there!"I commanded."I'm trying my best!"Morpheus exclaimed,and that's when it happened."captain there's something happening."Sequioa said,i looked at the screen.

"What is that Patience?"Bugs said,i widened my eye." can't be..."I whispered,"MISTER ANDERSON!"memories began to flash in my head."MORPHEUS GET HIM OUT OF THERE!"I yelled,"Captain who is that?"Gwym asked in a panicky tone."it's Smith."I replied,everyone in the room widened their eyes."Smith?!but he's a program!how did he come back!"Sequioa exclaimed,"I don't know,but right now we have to-"I was cut off by Morpheus coming back."what happened?did you get him out?"I asked,walking towards him."no,but something else did."he replied,"what?"I said."I didn't know what it was,it was unlike anything I've ever seen."he explained,I sighed and rubbed my eye.

"Whatever is keeping my father in there clearly doesn't want him out."i said,"well then how will we get him out?"Lexy asked.everyone looked at me,I hesitated for a moment."ok,I've come up with a's a bit risky,and it might not work.but,if it does work then we'll strike."i said,"ok,so what's the plan?"Gwym asked."we're going to wait."i said,nobody said anything for a moment."I...I'm confused."Sequioa admitted,I sighed."look:it seemed that we were close to getting him out,right?"I asked,everyone nodded in agreement."so now he'll start to question things:his life,his job,what he eats or what he does.and when the time comes,Bugs and Morpheus will come in and try to convince him all over again."i explained the plan,"do you honestly think it'll work?"Lexy asked.

"It has to work...otherwise..."

Patience Anderson{COMPLETED}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang