Chapter 15

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Patience's pov
I woke up in Kid's arms,it's definitely nighttime so why the fuck am I awake?did my dad have a another nightmare?if so,he needs to go to the oracle and figure out how to get rid of these stupid nightmares.i gently rested my head on Kid's chest,he stirred a bit."I'm sorry did I wake you?"I asked as his eyes fluttered open.he gently smiled,"nope,I just wanted to look at you."he said.i blushed and looked away,he placed his hand on my cheek."I love you Patience."he said,I blushed and smiled."I love you too Kid."i said,"oh!that reminds me!"he said.he stood up and picked up his pants,he took out a ring from his pocket.i gasped,"I made this myself."he said.he held my hands,"Patience,will you marry me?"he asked.

I was shocked,"K-Kid."i said.he gave me an adorable look,I can't exactly refuse...but we are still teenagers...fuck it.i smiled and gently kissed him,"is that a yes?"he asked.i nodded,his face lit up.he quietly cheered,I giggled.we both stood up,he gently slipped the ring on my finger.he then lifted me up and spun me around a bit,I leaned my forehead against his forehead.i then heard a knock on the door."Shit!"I whispered,Kid immediately hid under the bed."C-Come in!"I stuttered,immediately putting on my sweater and opened the door,"Patience,we need to go:pack your things."she said.I tilted my head in confusion,"what?why?we just got back home."i said.

"I know,but the oracle may be in danger."she said,"oh..."was all I said."We're leaving in 5 minutes,that should give you enough time to pack."she said,I nodded.she left the room and closed the door,Kid crawled out of his hiding spot and stood up.i looked down sadly,"Hey,Hey,look at me."he said.he placed his hands on my cheeks,i gently placed my hands on his wrists."It's gonna be ok,I'm not going anywhere."he said,"i could sneak on board if you want."he joked.i giggled,"I wish you could come with me,but I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't allow it."I remind him.

"At least let me help you pack."he said,I sighed."oh alright."i said,he grinned.he then kissed me passionately,"K-Kid I need to leave in five minutes."i said as he gently backed me up against the wall."I know,I know."he said through our make out session,we stopped to breath."I just wanted to feel your lips on mine."he panted,I leaned my forehead against his forehead."i love you Kid."i said,"I love you too Patience."he said.

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