Chapter 7

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And the award for best writer goes to....GillianAqua !!

Patience's pov
Today I wad giving Neo a tour of the ship,Morpheus said I could.but I have to admit,all of the questions Neo is asking are some that I can't answer.why?cause,I'm not sure how to answer them."Is is even possible for a child to be pulled out of the matrix?"he asked as I showed him the kitchen,"i dunno."that was the only answer I could give him.we sat down,"I know you're confused,I was too at first.But trust me,all of your questions will be answered."I reassured him.i patted his back,"come on,Morpheus wants to show you something."i said.he followed me to the area with the computers and chairs,"what's going on?"he asked."Sit."Morpheus said,pointing towards one of the chairs.Neo walked towards the chair and sat on it,Dozer laid him back while Trinity buckled his feet in.

I placed my hand on his hand,"try to relax."I told soon as I said that Dozer plugged him in and his eyes closed,Morpheus was plugged in after him.i stood there,"what do you think he'll tell him?"I asked Glitch."the same thing he told all of us."Cypher said,I lightly tapped on the floor with my feet.i exhaled,after a while Dozer unplugged Neo and Morpheus.Neo was freaking out,he was having a panic attack."Neo!Neo calm down!"i said,I held his arm.he fell to his knees and puked,then he passed out.

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