Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"How about Elizabeth for a girl?" Benedict raised an eyebrow, intertwining their fingers

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"How about Elizabeth for a girl?" Benedict raised an eyebrow, intertwining their fingers. The two sat in the carriage, halfway through the hour-long journey to the Bridgerton House.

"I like that name! I also like the name Amelia." She smiled up at him and he nodded, agreeing.

"What about for a boy? William?" He teased, referring to her uncle. She threw her head back in laughter, shaking her head.

"William! That poor baby would come out of my body with a receding hairline and a permanent scowl etched on to his face!" She exclaimed and he nodded, laughing at the image.

"We could name him Edmund if it is a boy, after your father." She squeezed his hand, looking up at him. He smiled warmly at the thought and nodded.

"I think that is a wonderful idea." He kissed her temple and she smiled, leaning into him.

The carriage finally pulled up to the Bridgerton Household and Madeleine smiled in excitement, getting out of the carriage with Benedict. The two had not told the family of their visit, they planned to surprise them with the news. Benedict knocked on the door and they were let in by the maid, who told them that the family was in the drawing room.

Violet looked up as the two walked in, gasping in surprise. The rest of the family all looked to see what had caught her attention, big smiles growing on their faces when they saw the two. 

"Well, this is quite a surprise! What in the world are you two doing here?!" Violet exclaimed, rushing over to hug them.

"We came with news, Mother. And it is not news that should be shared by a letter." Benedict smirked, squeezing Madeleine's hand. Violet's eyes widened in curiosity and she nodded, ushering them over to the settee. All of the children had stopped what they were doing, waiting with wide eyes to hear the big news.

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Benedict turned to her, enjoying far too much the teasing of his family.

"You tell them." She smiled at him, placing her hand on his. He nodded and cleared his throat, turning to the group.

"Well come on, what is the news?" Colin urged, impatiently.

"Madeleine is pregnant." He finally announced, a bright grin on his face. The family erupted into gasps and exclaims of surprise, all elated to hear this.

"Oh my goodness, that is wonderful news! Congratulations!" Daphne smiled warmly, sitting beside Madeleine and hugging her. Madeleine smiled and returned the hug, thanking the girl.

"Wonderful, indeed!" Violet exclaimed, a big smile on her face. "When did you find out?"

"Just this morning, I was doing laundry when I noticed I had not had my courses. I told Benedict, and we realized that between the laundry we have both done over the past six weeks, I must be at least one month pregnant. We wanted to come as soon as we could to share the news." Madeleine smiled at her, her heart filled with warmth at their reactions.

"Well, and we knew we should probably consult you." Benedict laughed, looking at his mother. "After all, you have been through this eight times. We could use your help if you are willing."

"Oh, of course I am willing! This is going to be my first grandbaby, oh I can not wait to spoil the little one." Violet grinned, clasping her hands together in excitement.

"You two are welcome to stay here while you wait for the baby to arrive, if you would like. It will be difficult to do it all yourselves with no staff to help you. It will also be easier to get a doctor here if needed, rather than out in the country." She suggested, eyebrows raised. The two smiled and looked at each other before nodding in agreement.

"That would be wonderful, Violet, thank you. It will surely be a help to be here with all of you during this time." Madeleine smiled, looking around at the group. 

"It is settled, then." Violet beamed, glad to have the two back at home for a while.

"You are lucky Mother did not let me move into your room just yet." Colin teased, making everyone laugh.


That afternoon, Violet took Madeleine and Benedict into town to gather supplies. They shopped for nearly three hours, getting diapers, clothing, nursery items, everything necessary for a baby. The two would set up the nursery at the Bridgerton House and when the baby came, they would have the staff transport the items to Aubrey Hall.

"Do we really need all of this stuff?" Benedict questioned, holding up a onesie that Violet had grabbed, a pink piece decorated with roses. "We do not even know the sex yet."

Violet smirked and shook her head, taking it from him and placing it back in their basket. "Everything you do not use will no doubt be used in the future. There are eight of you after all, I expect many grandchildren. I did warn you that I would be spoiling my first." She winked, making the two laugh.

They continued to shop, grateful that they had brought a carriage for the plethora of items that had been compiled.

They finally arrived home, and Madeleine immediately pulled Benedict to the old nursery, unable to wait any longer to set it up.

"I am so glad she has kept this room as it is, it is rather adorable that our child will be born into the same nursery that you were." She smiled at him, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

"It truly is. She always told us she would never give this room up. She has been waiting for grandchildren since the day Anthony was born." He laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

The two began to empty their basket, placing the bedding in the crib and hanging the mobile they had picked out above it. It was an adorable little thing, with blue birds and clouds dangling in a circle.

"I can not believe how tiny these are." Benedict chuckled, holding up a onesie. Madeleine smiled and nodded.

"Adorable, is it not? Although I have heard that the baby will grow out of them quite quickly." She giggled, folding one of the outfits they had picked out. They had only grabbed a few that were gender specific, the rest could be worn on either a boy or girl.

"Well, then we will save them for the next one, and the next one, and the next one." He smirked, grabbing her waist and kissing her lips. She giggled against his lips, placing her hands on his chest.

"And how many babies are you planning on having?" She smirked up at him.

"Oh, so many." He winked, attacking her neck with kisses. She squealed in laughter, the two suddenly very distracted from setting up the nursery.

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