Misbegotten PT.1 (Allies Finale)

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After everyone is on board the Hive ship and we all work together, Michael starts our journey to Atlantis. I then decide to patrol the ship but Ronon jogs up to me, "Hey."


"Where are you going?"

"Just felt like going on patrol."

He nods "Okay, what's really going on?" 

A chuckle passes through my lips. "How do you do that? It's impressive."

"You tend to show your emotions on your face."

"Huh. I thought I was good at hiding it." 

"That's what you think." He jokes.

I roll my eyes. "If you want to join me you can. And maybe I'll spill."

We get to walk the hive, at first in comfortable silence but then I get the feeling that the giant Satedan man is staring down at me. "Stop that. You're already a foot taller than me, you glowering at me makes me feel even shorter." 

"Then talk to me." 

I sigh, tightening my grip on my p-90. "I'm worried I was wrong."


"This plan worked, and I was so against it, I still am on an ethical level, but it worked nonetheless. But in the same breath..."

"You got a bad feeling."

I nod. "Yeah. Do you think I'm being paranoid?"

"No, you should trust your instincts. I feel the same."

I smile up at him. "Hey I'm sorry that I didn't say it earlier, thank you for saving us, and thank you for reassuring me too."

"You're welcome." Ronon seems to be a bit red but I'm unsure in the dark lighting of the Hive ship. "Keep walking, I don't want any surprises." 

"Me neither. They may be in the sleeper pods, but the Wraith' seem capable of a lot even after being turned into human." 


We are finally approaching home in the Wraith ship, and all of us are waiting with bated breath hoping that they won't shoot at us. But as we hover over the planet there is no Atlantis in sight so, they definitely used the cloak. 

Sheppard finally uses the comm. "Atlantis, this is Sheppard. Come in." 

A clear sigh of relief comes in through, "John?"

"They made it?" Comes Weir's voice.

"We're out of food, and water, and we haven't slept in days, but yeah we made it... so now would not be a good time to fire on us. After all, we wouldn't want to damage our new hive ship." 


After some much-needed sleep, I work with McKay and the rest of the science teams to help repair the Hive ship. 

"Did you figure out how to fly this thing yet?" Comes Sheppard's voice.

"Oh yeah, fly, shimmy, spin like a top. You didn't think it'd be hard, did you?" Rodney answers completely sarcastic.

"Just proves my confidence in you wasn't misplaced."

I jump in. "Right now, we can only do the basics." 

"That doesn't do us much good."

"Really. Look, all the more sophisticated systems, like navigation, respond to Wraith neural interface in much the same way that the puddle jumpers can be only controlled by people with the ATA genes."

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now