Misbegotten PT.2 (Allies Finale)

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A/N sorry for the delay I am taking care of my grandmother, I hope that I can continue to update again soon. 

John and I walk up to where Beckett is talking to some of the former Wraiths. "Okay, Doc. Last chance. We're packed up and ready to roll."

"Colonel, we've got a problem. Lathan's missing. He didn't turn up for his last treatment and nobody's seen him." He turns to Michael. "Have they?"

"No. But..." He hesitates. 

"But what?" Sheppard questions. 

"It's all right, Michael," Carson reassures him. "Tell them what you told me." 

"Lathan's convinced this whole thing is some kind of elaborate lie. I tried to tell him you were doing your best to help us, that maybe the sickness was playing with his mind, but, he wouldn't listen!" 

This worries me, leaving me to wonder if any others share his idea and just stayed quiet, maybe that's why he was so intense earlier. "So he's not lost, he's just hiding from us." 

Michael nods. "It's possible." 

"Colonel, I think it's best if you find him as soon as possible before any symptoms of the plague reoccur." The doctor suggests.

"Okay, let's get a search party going. Major, you'll be with Ronon and me."

Before I can confirm and possibly correct his grammar, Michael speaks up. "We'd like to help. He is one of us." 

We all exchange looks and just take off.




"Same here." 

Sheppard then radios another team. "Morrison, report." 

"We're just coming up on the river. Still no sign of him, sir."

"All right, Keep me posted."

"Does any of this seem off to you guys?"

"They're wraiths." Comes Ronon's simple response.

"I know that, I just feel like there's something going on."

"Ali, I know you hated this plan, but we gotta trust Carson."

I roll my eyes. "I normally would, but he's so attached, but on the other hand I just can't help but feel like I'm missing something."

"Hey." Ronon grabs my attention. "I'll keep an eye out."

"Thanks. That's all I needed." 

"Alright, I'll do the same. Let's just keep it moving." 

Shortly afterward Morrison radios back. "Colonel Sheppard."

"Go ahead."

"We've found him, sir."

"What's your location?"

"We're halfway up the ridge that runs south of the camp. He must've been trying to climb down and lost his footing." 

"Are you saying he's injured?"

"No, sir. He's dead."

At that, the three of us have a look of shock and go to turn around and head toward camp so we can go home. "Something still feels off. But, I guess we don't have to worry about him anymore."


Our team sits in the Atlantis briefing room with Weir, and it's clear she's as worried about keeping her job as we are, but we are all pretending it's okay. 

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