Condemned Part 3.

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We are back in the puddle Jumper flying back to the Stargate. 

"Seriously I'm the only one creeped out by that guy?" Rodney asks.

"He's a politician, of course he's scary." I point out. 

"Margret Thatcher wasn't creepy. Okay maybe a little." Rodney rambles. "She actually resembled an aunt of mine. Same hairstyle, face structure, only my aunt was much taller, and remarkably hirsute. Oddest thing, she had to shave twice a day. " As soon as Rodney finishes his sentence we are getting shot at by the prisoners.

"What was that?" Teyla asks.

"They're shooting at us." I reply.

"The prisoners?"

"It seems so." I reply checking our systems with John.

"With what?" Rodney asks exasperated. 

"Cloak the ship." Ronon commands.

"We can't." I start. "We took some damage." 

"We'll be lucky if we make it to the gate." John adds.

"How close are we?" McKay questions.

"Close enough to dial." I state, beginning the process. 

"Get ready to send an IDC." John orders.

"Ready when you are." 

"I lost control systems. Hang on." John states.

At that we start crashing to the ground. We crash HARD, the impact knocks all of us out.

When I come to, me and Teyla begin checking on everyone for injuries. Upon seeing that no one is severely injured, I go up to John.


"That was not one of my better landings, sorry." He apologizes. 

"The gate should be active for a few minutes." Ronon says while standing.

"All right. Let's go." 

I begin to walk out when Ronon grabs my arm, stopping me from continuing forward.

"Yes?" I say raising my eyebrows.

"You're limping, are you sure you should be walking?"

"I'm fine, Ronon. I have walked on an dislocated hip before, this is nothing. But, thank you for caring." I say, touching his arm, and walking to open the puddle jumper door. 

As soon as we walk out the puddle jumper we are surrounded by the prisoners, causing me to raise my sword, instead of my gun, out of pure instinct. 

John waves his hand down, to signal to us to stand down, clearly seeing we wouldn't all come out of this fight alive. 

"Hi Folks, I hope I didn't crash-land, on anybody." John says to the violent prisoners who double as sacrifices. 

In moments they are tying us to a post in tent. We suddenly hear them testing our weapons. First, the P-90, and I think they blew up something with a bazooka. 

"Bastards." I simply state, while they are laughing and shouting.

Soon, who I assume to be the leader, walks in to the hut we are tied up in. 

"You should know that our people are expecting us." John tells the leader. "If we don't show up soon, they'll come looking for us."

"Is that supposed to concern me?" The leader asks.

Fighting Passions - Ronon Dex - Stargate AtlantisWhere stories live. Discover now