A Spy! PT. 4

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I apologize and take my seat next to John as they continue. 

"Where's Ronon?"

"Outside," I whisper. 

"I'm still working on cracking the new failsafe code but, so far, no luck." 

Caldwell looks between Elizabeth and me. "How are things coming with Kavanagh? He still your prime suspect?" 

"Yes, he is. We're having some difficulty with him, though. He's not exactly the most co-operative of people."

"Oh, there's a shocker!" McKay exclaims sarcastically.

"If he is our saboteur," I say tentatively, " I  doubt he'll just give up the code." 

That's when Ronon busts into the conference room, flipping a knife in his hands. The action would be attractive if this was any other situation. "Give me ten minutes with him. I'll get it out of him." 

Both Me and Rodney grimace at the thought of torturing someone, for me it's because I'm not completely sure he's guilty, otherwise I wouldn't have a huge problem with the act. But Sheppard isn't opposed to the idea. "Might not be a bad idea. Maybe it's time to take this interrogation to the next level."

"Look, I hate Kavanagh as much as the next guy, probably even more, but we really need to be sure about this," McKay suggests.

"I'm with Dr. McKay." 

Weir joins our protest. "I agree. If there's the slightest chance that he's innocent, then..." 

"We don't have time to debate morality. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to do unpleasant things to save lives." Caldwell scolds the three of us, and something just feels off about his dismissal but he maybe just trying to help. 

When we leave the conference both Ronon and Sheppard follow after me. "Why are you not willing to torture him?" 

I look at my commanding officer. "I'm not completely sure that it's Kavanagh." 

Ronon who's heard this before isn't surprised but John sure is. "What do you mean you're not sure?"

"I mean what I said. He seems to perfect, almost like a setup, I'm not sure but there is something off about all of this." 

"Ali, we need to be sure, and I guarantee if he is guilty, which he is, I'll get it out of him." The Satedan says, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"No," I take a deep breath. "I'm just going to help Rodney, who should be putting the ZedPM anytime soon."

"Did you just say ZedPM?" 

"Yeah, it surprised me too. Bye."


All three of us opposed to torturing Kavanagh are staring at the screen showing that the Wraith are here. 

"So far they don't behave in a way that would indicate they're aware of us." 

That's when an alarm beeps, and I go over to Cadman. 

"Rodney." We call out at the same time. 


"The city's inertial dampeners just began powering up." The blonde answers.

"What?" He runs to us.

"I'm trying to shut it down, but it's requiring a code." She tries to tell him.

The cocky scientist pushes her out of the way. "It's the StarDrive!" 

"As we all know the city is a giant spaceship with a stardrive capable of FTL, which means we need inertial dampeners." I start to explain.

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