Condemned Part 2.

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"Unidentified vessel. This is security vessel Poros. Follow us and we will lead you to safety."

"Understood Poros. And thanks for the help back there." John replies. Then he turns to us and says "That's how you make friends." 

While we are following the Poros I manage to patch up Ronon, and now he's taking care of my minor head wound. 

"It's not to bad, but you will need stitches." He tells me.

"Okay, can you pass me the thread I can do it." I reply.

"You sure?"

"Yes, now pass it." I retort.

At that he passes me the thread and a needle. I quickly get to work and start stitching my head wound. I can tell that Teyla is closely watching me stitch my own wound. 

"What is it?"  

"I just never seen anyone stitch themselves that well. Did you learn that on earth?"

"No. I learned to clean, and take care of my own wounds when I was kid." 


"Let's just say, I didn't have the best childhood."

"I'm very sorry." Teyla says.

"Thank you." I say as I finish my last stitch.

"Al, You have to see this!" I hear Rodney say.

"What is it Rod?" I say running up to the cockpit. When I get there I see a huge city, it's structure much like those on earth.


"Told you!" Rodney remarks.

"Oh shut up." I say giving him a light shove.

We land, and we are met by a woman who seems to be a dignitary of some sort. 

"Welcome to Olesia! I am Marin." She greets.

"I'm Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard, this is Major Allison O'Neill, Teyla Emmagan, Dr. Rodney McKay, and Ronon Dex." John says introducing us all. 

With a nod of her head she says "Please, follow me." 

We begin to follow her, and she begins to explain the situation.

"I sent a security detachment as soon as we detected your presence on the island. The prisoners there can be quite hostile."

"Yeah, we definitely got off on the wrong foot." John exclaims.

"Prisoners?" Teyla asks.

"Yes, the island's a penal colony. The prisoners usually don't cause much trouble, as long as you don't try to land there."  She says with a smirk.

"Well, you could put up a sign." McKay states, causing me to elbow him in his side; resulting in Ronon chuckling a little bit. 

"The Stargate is on the island. Does this not affect your trade with other worlds?" Teyla asks. 

"Yes, of course. As a result, we have needed to be almost entirely self sufficient."

"Then why put the prisoners there?" I question. 

"I believe the Magistrate is better suited to answer these questions. He's very eager to meet you." She states, leading us to what assume to be the Magistrates office.

"Ronon." I whisper.

"What?" He whispers back.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

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